1856 Brussels Competition

This timeline includes all references to and writings about the 1856 Brussels guitar composition and instrument competition organized by Nikolai Petrovich Makaroff [Николай Петрович Макаров] (February 1, 1810 – December 5, 1890).

Where possible I will include copies of the original publications. I’m certain there is more information to uncover about this event. Please contact me if you can share anything I have not included below. I will add all references over time with translation sources documented. If anyone can improve on the translations I welcome your help.

April 5, 1856May 19, 1856May 21, 1856May 25, 1856May 27, 1856June 4, 1856June 14, 1856June 17, 1856June 19, 1856June 21, 1856June 23, 1856June 24, 1856June 29, 1856July 3, 1856July 4, 1856July 5, 1856July 8, 1856July 12, 1856July 12, 1856July 14, 1856July 14, 1856July 17, 1856July 20, 1856July 21, 1856July 26, 1856July 27, 1856August 2, 1856August 4, 1856August 21, 1856September 19, 1856September 21, 1856September 21, 1856September 27, 1856October 2, 1856October 3, 1856October 3, 1856October 7, 1856October 9, 1856October 12, 1856October 14, 1856October 14, 1856October 14, 1856October 19, 1856October 22, 1856October 23, 1856October 26, 1856October 26, 1856October 28, 1856October 28, 1856October 29, 1856October 30, 1856October 30, 1856