1856 Brussels Competition
This timeline includes all references to and writings about the 1856 Brussels guitar composition and instrument competition organized by Nikolai Petrovich Makaroff [Николай Петрович Макаров] (February 1, 1810 – December 5, 1890).
Where possible I will include copies of the original publications. I’m certain there is more information to uncover about this event. Please contact me if you can share anything I have not included below. I will add all references over time with translation sources documented. If anyone can improve on the translations I welcome your help.
Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedomosti. N.78, 5 April 1856 (pages 442-443)
Guitar Awards program for the best guitar compositions and best guitars Among the musical instruments that are expelled from the huge orchestral family is the guitar. The fate of this poetic instrument, which came to us from the homeland of Don Juan, is sad. Once a fashionable […]
Bohemia. N.118, 19 May 1856 (page 671)
*** A Mr. Nicolaus Makarov in St. Petersburg has announced as “lover of music and especially of the guitar,” in order to lift this latter instrument and “snatch the musical Baria from the humiliation in which she languished during the last fifteen years,” 4 prizes, namely one of 200 and […]
Fremden-Blatt. N.117, 21 May 1856 (page 4)
* (A special lover of the guitar), named Nikolaus Mokarow [sic] in St. Petersburg, has announced a prize of 200 and one of 125 silver rubles for the best worked guitar and two equal prizes for the best compositions for the guitar. The competition is open until the end […]
Wiener Theaterzeitung. N.119, 25 May 1856 (page 475)
–*** A Mr. Nicolaus Makarov in St. Petersburg has announced as “lover of music and especially of the guitar,” in order to lift this latter instrument and “snatch the musical Baria from the humiliation in which she languished during the last fifteen years,” 4 prizes, namely one of 200 and […]
Blätter für Musik, Theater und Kunst. N.43, 27 May 1856 (page 172)
*A Mr. Nicolaus Makarov in St. Petersburg as a “lover of music and especially the guitar” to raise this latter instrument has announced four prizes, one of 200 and one of 125 silver rubles for the best compositions for the guitar, then one of 200 and one of 125 silver […]
Neue Berliner Musikzeitung. N.23, 4 June 1856 (page 182)
Brussels. A Mr. Nicolaus Makarov in St. Petersburg as a “lover of music and especially of the guitar” to raise this latter instrument has announced four prizes, one of 200 and one of 125 silver rubles for the best compositions for the guitar, then one of 200 and one of […]
Rheinische Musik Zeitung für Kunstfreunde und Künstler. N.24, 14 June 1856 (page 190)
Petersburg. A Mr. Nicolaus Makarov in St. Petersburg as a “lover of music and especially the guitar” to raise this latter instrument has announced four prizes, one of 200 and one of 125 silver rubles for the best compositions for the guitar, then one of 200 and one of 125 […]
L’Indépendance. N.169, 17 June 1856 (page 1)
–Among the musical instruments that have been struck by severe ostracism is the guitar, whose fashion, long famous, has disappeared nowadays to give way to the most desolate indifference or the most bitter derision. Once an inseparable companion of song and poetry, the guitar has been accused of insufficient and […]
Le Guide Musical. N.16, 19 June 1856 (pages 2-3)
*Among the musical instruments that have been struck by severe ostracism is the guitar, whose fashion, long famous, has disappeared nowadays to give way to the most desolate indifference or the most bitter derision. Once an inseparable companion of song and poetry, the guitar has been accused of insufficient […]
Diario de Barcelona. N.173, 21 June 1856 (page 5092)
From the Independencia belga we take the following news about a musical guitar competition, which we have no doubt will be read with pleasure by our readers. The generous thought of the Russian Makaroff, worthy of a true aficionado of the enchanting art of music, must find an […]
La Zarzuela. N.21, 23 June 1856 (page 166)
While in Spain every day the study of the guitar is declining, which in other times had the same role that the piano represents today in the salons, that instrument achieves more success in some foreign countries. We do not know on whose behalf, but it is true that […]
La Iberia. N.601, 24 June 1856 (page 4)
THE GUITAR. While in Spain every day the study of the guitar is declining, which in other times had the same role that the piano represents today in the salons, that instrument achieves more success in some foreign countries. We do not know on whose behalf, but it is […]
Revue et Gazette Musicale de Paris. N.26, 29 June 1856 (page 210)
*St. Petersburg. —A passionate amateur of the guitar has just put out two prizes: one of 200 and the other of 125 rubles of silver, which will be awarded to the author of the two best compositions for this instrument; in addition, he has devoted two other prizes of […]
El Clamor Publico. N.3667, 3 July 1856 (page 4)
—GUITARS. While in Spain every day the study of the guitar is declining, which in other times had the same role that the piano represents today in the salons, that instrument achieves more success in some foreign countries. We do not know on whose behalf, but it is true […]
Allgemeine Zeitung (München). N.187, 4 July 1856 (page 2981)
—For this year so many festivals, congresses, meetings and exhibitions have already been announced in Brussels that I hardly thought that anything new could be added. We will, however, have a very special competition in which an excellent music lover from the realm of the Czar, Mr. Nikolas Makaroff, who […]
La España. N.2255, 5 July 1856 (page 4)
Guitars.While in our country the study of this sweet instrument, which in other times had the same role that the piano represents today in the salons, is declining every day, it manages to achieve more fortune in some foreign countries. We do not know on whose behalf, but it […]
Wiener Zeitung. N.156, 8 July 1856 (page 2033)
An excellent Russian music lover, Mr. Nikolas Makaroff, who has a special fondness for the guitar, wants to honor this almost forgotten instrument again. In order to bring the guitar back to an honorable rank among the salon instruments where possible, Mr. Makaroff has offered prizes. The competition will […]
Klagenfurter Zeitung. N.159, 12 July 1856 (page 639)
Miscellaneous. —An excellent Russian music lover, Mr. Nikolas Makaroff, who has a special fondness for the guitar, wants to honor this almost forgotten instrument again. In order to bring the guitar back to an honorable rank among the salon instruments where possible, Mr. Makaroff has offered prizes. The competition will […]
Erheiterungen. N.166, 12 July 1856 (page 664)
Diversities. For this year in Brussels are already so many festivals, congresses, meetings and exhibitions announced that one hardly thought that something new could be added. The people of Brussels, however, will have a very special event, in that an excellent music lover from the realm of the Czar, […]
Gazeta Lwowska. N.161, 14 July 1856 (page 644)
CHRONICLE. The famous Russian music enthusiast, Nikolai Makarov, who is particularly fond of the guitar, wants to raise this almost forgotten instrument again to fame and importance. So, in order to give the guitar an honorable place among the salon instruments, Mr. Makarov set up prizes. The competition will be […]
Süddeutsche Musik Zeitung. N. 29, 14 July 1856 (page 114)
Brussels. This year so many festivals, congresses, meetings and exhibitions have already been announced in Brussels that one hardly thought that anything new could be added. We will, however, have a very special competition in which an excellent music lover from the realm of the Czar, Mr Nikolas Makaroff, who […]
Neue Wiener Musik-Zeitung. N.32, 17 July 1856 (page 128)
For Friends of the Guitar. Among the number of instruments struck by strict ostracism is the guitar, whose former popularity in our day has given way to the most humiliating indifference or even the most bitter contempt. Once the inseparable companion of song and poetry, she was soon accused […]
Gaceta Musical de Madrid. N.29, 20 July 1856 (page 226)
SAINT PETERSBURG. —A guitarenthusiast has just opened a competition for two prizes, one of 200 rubles and the other of 125 silver rubles, which will be awarded to the author of the two best compositions for this instrument; he has also awarded two other prizes of 200 and 125 […]
Kurier Warszawski. N.188, 21 July 1856 (page 977)
The somewhat abandoned musical instrument, which is the guitar, and temporarily picked up by our colleague Szczepanowski, is to take its place again in the row of salon instruments. To this end, one of the music lovers P. Makarov appointed cash prizes. The competition will be held in Brussels and […]
The Literary Gazette. N.22, 26 July 1856 (page 524)
Monsieur Nikolai Makaroff, a musical amateur in St. Petersburg, who devotes his attention principally to the guitar, has just offered two prizes, one of 200 silver roubles, and one of 125, for the best compositions for that instrument, and similar sums as prizes for the best constructed guitars, which must […]
Gazzetta Musica de Milano. N.30, 27 July 1856 (page 239)
—Petersburg. A certain Mr. Nicolas Makaroff, an amateur of music and particularly of guitar, has offered four prizes in a competition in order to give this instrument a higher place; two prizes, the first of 200 silver rubles, the second of 135, are destined for the best compositions for […]
The Musical Gazette. N.28, 2 August 1856 (page 332)
BRUSSELS.— M. Makaroff, a great guitar amateur, has just offered two prizes of two hundred and one hundred and twenty-five silver roubles for the best compositions, and the same amounts for the best constructed guitars, of full size, and with ten strings. Competitors are to forward their productions before the […]
Münchener Bote für Stadt und Land. N.184, 4 August 1856 (page 808)
[Guitar Concours] A rich Russian, Nikolas Makaroff, has offered significant prizes of 800 and 500 Frcs. for the two best guitar compositions, and the same amount for the two best made guitars of large dimensions and 10 strings. Compositions and instruments must be sent to the Russian Legation in […]
Le Guide Musical. N.25, 21 August 1856 (page 2)
[Ed: This same article is repeated in the October 2nd issue. Because of other corroborating articles it appears the concert actually took place in October and not in August. No other references to a concert in August have been found.] *In our June 19 issue, we reported on a […]
El Clamor Publico. N.3751, 19 September 1856 (page 3)
FOREIGN CHRONICLE —NOTICE TO GUITARISTS. —A Russian prince, fond of the guitar, has just opened a contest to reward the best player of this instrument. The competition will be held in Brussels next month under the chairmanship of M. Fétis, director of the Belgian conservatory. CRONICA ESTRANGERA —AVISO […]
Journal de Charleroi. N.259, 21 September 1856 (page 3)
A Russian prince, a great lover of fine arts, has just had a singular musical idea. Struck by the decadence or rather the oblivion into which an instrument that made our fathers happy has long since fallen, he wants to bring about the rehabilitation of the guitar; he has […]
La España. N.2276, 21 September 1856 (page 1)
Occasion for Huertas.A Russian prince, an amateur guitarist, has just opened a competition to reward the best player of this instrument. The competition will be held in Brussels next month under the chairmanship of M. Fétis, director of the Belgian conservatory. Ocasion para Huertas.Un príncipe ruso, aficionado á […]
La Esperanza. N.3662, 27 September 1856 (page 4)
A Russian prince, an amateur guitarist, has just opened a competition to award the best player of this instrument. The competition will be held in Brussels next month under the chairmanship of M. Fétis, director of the Belgian conservatory. Un principe ruso, aficionado á la guitarra, acaba de abrir un […]
Le Guide Musical. N.31, 2 October 1856 (page 2)
*In our June 19 issue, we reported on a guitarist competition, set up by one of Russia’s most distinguished amateurs, Mr. Nicolas Makaroff, and to be held in Brussels. Mr. de Makaroff has been in Brussels for some time, to take care of the preparations for this competition, […]
La Presse Belge, Journal politique, commercial et industriel, Bruxelles. N.195, 3 Oct 1856 (page ??)
—Next Sunday, October 5, M. de Makaroff will give a musical matinee at one o’clock in the Philharmonic Society’s hall. This artist will perform the following pieces on a newly perfected ten-string guitar: 1st Grand Fantasy on a theme of Montecchi and Capuletti, composed by Mertz; 2nd […]
L’Observateur Belge. N.276, 3 Oct 1856 (page ??)
—Next Sunday, October 5, M. de Makaroff will give a musical matinee at one o’clock in the Philharmonic Society’s hall. This artist will perform the following pieces on a newly perfected ten-string guitar: 1st Grand Fantasy on a theme of Montecchi and Capuletti, composed by Mertz; 2nd […]
Journal de Bruxelles. N.281, 7 October 1856 (page 2)
NEWS FROM THE ARTS, SCIENCES AND LITERATURE. A musical matinee was given yesterday at one o’clock in the Philharmonic Society hall by Mr. de Makaroff. This highly deserving artist performed 4 songs on a newly perfected ten-string guitar and was warmly applauded. NOUVELLES DES ARTS, DES SCIENCES ET DE […]
Le Guide Musical. N.32, 9 October 1856 (page 1)
BELGIUM. BRUSSELS.— Last Sunday was the morning of the event to which Mr. de MAKAROFF had invited a select audience in what the capital is experiencing with artists and music-loving amateurs. The guitar is so neglected, forgotten, that we only talk about it as an imaginary object, or […]
Gaceta Musical de Madrid. N.41, 12 October 1856 (page 300)
BRUSSELS … — In Le Guide Musical we read the following: “In our issue corresponding to the 19th of June, we speak of a guitar competition founded by one of the most distinguished amateurs of Russia, Mr. Nicolas Makaroff, which will take place in Brussels.” “Mr. de Makaroff […]
Blätter für Musik, Theater und Kunst. N.83, 14 October 1856 (page 332)
Art Notices. *The Russian guitar virtuoso Makaroff, who recently announced prizes for compositions on his instrument, performed in Brussels at the beginning of this month to great applause and proved himself to be a rare technician on his instrument, which is almost half forgotten by the world. Kunstnotizen. […]
L’Écho de Bruxelles. N.288, 14 Oct 1856 (page ??)
News from the arts and literature. We read in Le Guide Musical: “Last Sunday was held a matinee to which Mr. de Makaroff had invited a select audience in the capital, which is home to artists and music lovers.” “The guitar is so neglected, forgotten, that we […]
Le Télegraphe, Bruxelles. N.288, 14 Oct 1856 (page ??)
News from the arts and literature. We read in Le Guide Musical: “Last Sunday was held a matinee to which Mr. de Makaroff had invited a select audience in the capital, which is home to artists and music lovers.” “The guitar is so neglected, forgotten, that we […]
Gaceta Musical de Madrid. N.42, 19 October 1856 (page 308)
FOREIGN CHRONICLE. BRUSSELS 9 October.— Last Sunday took place the morning concert given by Mr. Makarroff and to which he had invited an audience chosen from among what the capital holds of artists and intelligent amateurs. The guitar is so forgotten and abandoned that it is almost spoken […]
Neue Berliner Musikzeitung. N.43, 22 October 1856 (page 343)
Brussels.Mr. Makoroff lets himself be heard here on an instrument that has almost gone out of fashion, on the guitar and reaps rushing applause. His way of performing and his skill are equally excellent. Brüssel.Hr. v. Makoroff lässt sich hier auf einem fast ganz aus der Mode gekommenen […]
Le Guide Musical. N.34, 23 October 1856 (page 2)
*The guitar is not dead, as is commonly believed. First of all, it is still found in vibrant fashion in Spain where it will keep as long as there are balconies, beautiful ladies with black eyes on these balconies and lovers giving serenades underneath, that is, as long as […]
L’Indépendance. N.300, 26 October 1856 (page 1)
—The guitar is not dead, as is commonly believed. First of all, it is still found in vibrant fashion in Spain where it will keep as long as there are balconies, beautiful ladies with black eyes on these balconies and lovers giving serenades underneath, that is, as long as […]
Revue et Gazette Musicale de Paris. N.43, 26 October 1856 (page 347)
*Brussels. — Mr. de Makaroff has just opened a competition for the best guitar music composition and the best guitar. The jury is composed of Mr. Makaroff, Mr. Bender, Mr. Blaes, Mr. Damcke, Mr. Kufferath, Mr. Leonard and Mr. Servais. The first prize is 800 francs and the second 500 […]
Blätter für Musik, Theater und Kunst. N.87, 28 October 1856 (page 348)
* Mr. Makaroff publishes the following competition in Belgian journals on October 16th: For the best guitar composition, first prize 800 francs; second prize 500 francs. For the best guitar, first prize 800 francs; second prize 500 francs. 1. The deadline for the submission is on December 1st of […]
L’Observateur Belge. N.301, 28 Oct 1856 (page 1)
Fine arts. — Literature. COMPETITION OPENED BY MR. DE MAKAROFF. — Chairman, Mr. de Makaroff; members, Mr. V. Bender, Mr. Blaes, Mr. Damke, Mr. Kufferath, Mr. Leonard and Mr. Servais; secretary, Mr. P. Schott. For the best composition for the guitar First prize, 800 fr. Second prize. 500 […]
La Presse Belge, Journal politique, commercial et industriel, Bruxelles. N.221, 29 Oct 1856 (page ??)
Fine arts. — Literature. COMPETITION OPENED BY MR. DE MAKAROFF. — Chairman, Mr. de Makaroff; members, Mr. V. Bender, Mr. Blaes, Mr. Damke, Mr. Kufferath, Mr. Leonard and Mr. Servais; secretary, Mr. P. Schott. For the best composition for the guitar First prize, 800 fr. Second prize. 500 […]
L’Indépendance. N.304, 30 October 1856 (page 1)
Science, arts and literature news. We have previously announced the conditions and prizes of the double competition opened in Brussels by Mr. de Makaroff between guitar makers and music composers for this instrument, whose rehabilitation this dilettante is continuing. We believe we should remind you that the competition will […]
Le Guide Musical. N.35, 30 October 1856 (page 2)
* The guitar is not dead, as is commonly believed. First of all, it is still very vibrant in Spain where it will keep as long as there are balconies, beautiful ladies with black eyes on these balconies and lovers giving serenades underneath, that is, as long as there […]