Works by Francesco Calegari

Published by Robert Coldwell on

This table represents the most complete catalog of works by Francesco Calegari. Not much detail about his life is known besides his works and a single concert advertised for July 24, 1815 in Leipzig. He published most of his works with opus numbers through Hofmeister in Leipzig, beginning in 1813 and none appear after 1818. He seems to have returned to Florence in 1818 as his only work for guitar was published by Ricordi that year. Ricordi lists music for piano published by an F. Calegari from 1827 through 1838 but it is unknown whether this is the same composer.

The most complete biography of Calegari was written by Philip Bone in The Guitar and Mandolin without change between the first and second editions.

CALEGARI, Francesco, an Italian guitarist, who was born in Florence at the end of the eighteenth century, but who spent a considerable part of his life in Germany, where he taught the guitar and published many of his compositions. As a guitar virtuoso he made concert tours, visiting Milan and other cities of the north of Italy, and he also appeared in his native city with success, and a few years later travelled through Germany, playing in Leipzig and Brunswick. He visited Paris, and finally returned to Leipzig, where he resided as a teacher and composer. Calegari has arranged numerous operatic selections for two guitars, and violin and guitar, and is the author of two volumes, each containing eight operatic selections for solo guitar, the latter entitled : Il dilettante di chitarra, were published by Ricordi, Milan. His other published compositions consist of a method for the guitar, fantasias, interludes, rondos and dances for guitar alone. Op. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 17 are guitar solos, which were published respectively by Hofmeister, Leipzig, and Ricordi, Milan, and by other editors of less repute in Florence and Brunswick. Op. 13 and 15 are duos for two guitars, and Op. 16 is a Polonaise of Pleyel, arranged by Calegari for violin and guitar, published by Hofmeister, Leipzig.

Mentions of his concerts in cities besides Leipzig have not been located. The publisher in Brunswick mentioned by Bone is Spehr. Only op. 13 from this publisher has been located. Op. 15 Wie die Würfel fallen, ein Scherz der Tonsetzkunst, um mit 3 Würfeln leichte Walzer zu setzen [How the dice fall, a joke from the art of composition to set light waltzes with 3 dice] appears to be a unique publication for guitar. While examples of publications using dice as compositional devices have been located, none so far have been located for guitar. The 3 Walzer in manuscript in the Rischel and Birket-Smith Collection could possibly be this work, although they could be from op. 14. Print versions will have to be located to ascertain this connection.

The work in The Giulianiad, Andante con Var., has not been located. There are some similarities to his other works but none are identical.

YearOpusTitlePublisherPlate no.Location
1813 07-12 Verzeichniss neuer Bücher; 1814-05-25 Leipziger Zeitung; 1814 Jahrbuch für den Deutschen Buch-Kunst und Landkarten-Handel (Oster)2Dodici / Walzer progressivi / per / Chitarra sola / composti da / Francesco CalegariHofmeister283D-Tu (1), D-Mbs
1814-04-23 Leipziger Zeitung3Rondò / per / Chitarra sola / composto e dedicato / In attestato di verace stima e somma riconoscenza / al Molto Illustre Signore / Il Signor Barone / Federico Giulio di Bülow / Siccome a clemente e propizio Fautore / da / Francesco CalegariHofmeister287D-Mbs, US-NRol, Doshisha (modern 9507), D-B, D-Tu (1), D-HVs
1815-11-14 Leipziger Zeitung4Deux / Themes Tyroliens / avec / Variations / pour la / Guitarre / composées et dédiées / a Mme Cetto née Lauer / comme un hommage rendu au merite qui la distingue / par / F. CalegariHofmeister312S-Skma
5[without collection title] Theme Wenn mir dein Auge strahletms: Gitarristische Sammlung Fritz Walter und Gabriele Wiedemann 470 D-Mbs [Mus.N. 122,1522]
5[Solostücke. | IV. Heft] Thema: "Wenn mir dein Auge strahlet" mit sechs Variationen (p. 104-107)ms: Gitarristische Sammlung Fritz Walter und Gabriele Wiedemann 1049D-Mbs [Mus.N. 122,1423]
1814 Jahrbuch für den Deutschen Buch-Kunst und Landkarten-Handel (Michaelis)5Thême / tiré du Duo: / "Wenn mir dein Auge strahlet" / avec / Six Variatione / pour la / Guitarre seule / composées et dediées / à Mr. le Senateur B. Limburger / comme un très-humble hominage du au Protecteur / de touts les Sciences et Beaux Arts / par / François CalegariHofmeister302D-Mbs
1815-11-14 Leipziger Zeitung; 1815 Jahrbuch für den Deutschen Buch-Kunst und Landkarten-Handel (Oster)6Tre Nutturnini / e / dodici Walzer progressivi / per / Chitarra sola / scritti appositamente per l'Illustre Signora / La Signora / Enrichetta Rudolph nata Weber / ed all amedesimi dedicati / da / Francesco CalegariHofmeister; (Copenhagen: C.C. Lose)329US-NRol, A-LA (1), (DK-Kk)
1815-11-14 Leipziger Zeitung; 1815 Jahrbuch für den Deutschen Buch-Kunst und Landkarten-Handel (Michaelis)7Tre Tèma / con / Variazioni / per / Chitarra sola / composte e dedicate / All'Ornatissimo Signore / Il Sig[no]r Augusto Weber / Fattore delle Miniere nel Circondario di Sangerhausen / in attestato della stima dovutale pe'talenti ed'ottime qualità che lo distinguono / da / Francesco CalegariHofmeister350IRL-Dam, US-NRol, Doshisha, D-B, D-Mmb
8[without collection title] Sonatas in D major (p. 6-9). J. Petzold former ownerms: Gitarristische Sammlung Fritz Walter und Gabriele Wiedemann 508D-Mbs [Mus.N. 122,1538]
1815-02-12 Allgemeiner Anzeiger; 1815-11-14 Leipziger Zeitung8Sonata / per / Chitarra sola / composta e dedicata / alla Nobil Donna / La Sig[no]ra Elisabetta / di Craushaar / come un'omaggio di rispetto e venerazione pe'meriti e / talenti di cui è soprabbondantemente ornata / da / F. CalegariHofmeister311IRL-Dam, Sparr, US-BN, US-Nrol
1815-11-14 Leipziger Zeitung9La Chasse / Ouverture / du jeune Henri par Mehul / arrangé / pour la Guitarre seul / à Mademoiselle Louise Limburger / par / Francesco CalegariHofmeister377D-F, D-Tu, GFA, IRL-Dam, DK-Kk, US-BN, GB-Lam, US-NRol, I-MOI
10[without collection title] Variations op. 10 (p. 17-19). J. Petzold former ownerms: Gitarristische Sammlung Fritz Walter und Gabriele Wiedemann 508D-Mbs [Mus.N. 122,1538]
1815-11-14 Leipziger Zeitung10Leichte / Variazionen / über das Thema der Schweizerfamilie / "Wer hörte wohl jemals mich klagen." / für die / Guitarre / componirt und / der Hochwohlgebornen Frau Hauptmann / Eleonora von Ottenfeld / gewidmet von / Franz CalegariHofmeister356D-Mbs, GFA, DK-Kk, US-NRol, Doshisha, D-B, D-OB
1815-11-14 Leipziger Zeitung; 1816 Jahrbuch für den Deutschen Buch-Kunst und Landkarten-Handel (Oster)11Sechs / Lectionen / für die / Guitarre / in den gewöhnlichsten Positionen, um die leichteste Applicatur zu erternen / aufgesetzt für / Mademoiselle Amalia Weber / von / F. CalegariHofmeister380D-Mbs, US-Nrol
12[without collection title] Themes avec variations par Calegari (p. 2)ms: Gitarristische Sammlung Fritz Walter und Gabriele Wiedemann 470 D-Mbs [Mus.N. 122,1522]
1816 Jahrbuch für den Deutschen Buch-Kunst und Landkarten-Handel (Michaelis); 1817-02-26 Allgemeiner Anzeiger; 1818 Handbuch; 1819-05-25 Berlinische Nachrichten12Six Thêmes / avec / Variations / Pour la Guitarre / composées et dediées / à / Madame / Bürger née Hoffmann / par / François CalegariHofmeister425IRL-Dam, GB-Lam, Doshisha, D-B, D-Mmb
1818 Handbuch; 1819-05-25 Berlinische Nachrichten13Variazioni / sopra un Tema di Weigl, / per / due Chitarre a vicenda / composte e dedicate / All Illustrissima Signore / La Sig[no]r Giovanna Eggert / nata Lepetit, / da / Francesco CalegariSpehr1131D-Mbs, US-Nrol
1818 Handbuch1412 Monferrines et 6 WalsesSpehr
1818 Handbuch; 1819-05-25 Berlinische Nachrichten15Wie die Würfel fallen, ein Scherz der Tonsetzkunst, um mit 3 Würfeln leichte Walzer zu setzenSpehr
1817 Jahrbuch für den Deutschen Buch-Kunst und Landkarten-Handel (Oster); 1817-02-26 Allgemeiner Anzeiger16Polonaise / de Monsieur Pleyel / arrangée / pour / Violon et Guitarre / par / François CalegariHofmeister455DK-Kk, GB-Lam, US-Nrol
1818 Jahrbuch für den Deutschen Buch-Kunst und Landkarten-Handel (Oster); 1818 Handbuch; 1819-05-25 Berlinische Nachrichten1724 deutsche Walzer arr.Hofmeister488DK-Kk
1817 Catalogo Ricordi Numerico; 1818 Handbuch18Variazioni / per Chitarra sola / sopra il Duetto di Mozart / Lâ ci darem la mano / composte e dedicate a sua sorella / Claudia / Da / Francesco Calegari
(also appears in: Bortolazzi, Bartolomeo - Periodical amusements 28)
Ricordi325D-Mbs, S-Skma, I-Mc, I-MOI
Waltzer per chitarra / Tratti da diversi Motivi di Rossini / e dedicati / Alla Signora Marchesina / Luigia de'Buoi / da / Francesco CalegariCipriani130I-MOe
1823 HandbuchMotivi d'Opere Teatrali / di / Bellini, ed altri / ridotti a / Sonatine per Chitarra / e dedicati al suo amico / Camillo Rubini / da / Francesco CalegariCipriani1020I-CDO
Frammenti / nell'Opera / La Pazza per Amore / del M[aest]ro Coppola / adattati nel modo piu semplice / per Chitarra sola / da / Francesco CalegariCipriani1040I-CDO
Il Dilettante di Chitarra / pezzi d'opere teatrali / accennati in modo facile / per Chitarra sola / da / F. Calegari, L. Rossi / ed altri maestriGio. Canti3811-3818E-Boc, US-NRol, Doshisha (newer Ricordi reprint 81244-81251, different ordering)
1827 Catalogo Numerico Ricordi; 1828 HandbuchIntrod., Variaz. e Finale per Pfte sopra un tema dell'ADELE DI LUSIGNANO di CarafaRicordi2888
1827 Catalogo Numerico RicordiAndante, Variaz. e Finale per Pfte sull'Aria, Ah! se ancor trionfatrice, nella GIOVANNA D' ARCO di VaccajRicordi3166
1832 Catalogo Ricordi NumericoCoro, Delle foreste l'eco, nell' IVANHOE di PaciniRicordi6460
1832 Catalogo Numerico RicordiIntrod., Variaz. e Rondò finale per Pfte sopra l'Aria fav., Vivi tu, te ne scongiuro, nell' ANNA BOLENA di DonizettiRicordi5655
1833 Catalogo Numerico RicordiLes deux petites demoiselles au Piano. Divert. très Facile sur la Rom. de TEBALDO ED ISOLINA de MorlacchiRicordi6948
1833 Catalogo Numerico RicordiVariaz. bril. per Pfte sopra l'Aria fav., Forse un destin che intendere, nella PARISINA di DonizettiRicordi7040
1833 Catalogo Numerico RicordiCasta Diva che inargenti, Cav. nella NORMA di Bellini, var. per PfteRicordi7041
1834 Catalogo Numerico RicordiIntrod., Variaz. e Rondò finale per Pfte a quattro mani sopra un tema dell' UGO CONTE DI PARIGI di DonizettiRicordi7305
1834 AprilAndante con Var. / par F. Calegari (in The Giulianiad)GB-Lbl, GB-Lgs, Sparr
1835 Catalogo Numerico RicordiLa scena è un mare instabile, Terzetto fav. nello SCARAMUCCIA di Ricci, var. per Pfte, Violino e VcelloRicordi7783
1838 Catalogo Numerico RicordiCapriccio e Variaz. per Pfte con Violino, Vcello o Viola ad libitumsopra alcuni motivi dell' IGINIA D'ASTI di LeviRicordi10351
1846?Scelti motivi teatrali accennati in modo facile per chitarra solaGio. Canti1079I-CDO?, I-Mc, I-Vnm
1846?Scelti motivi teatrali accennati in modo facile per chitarra solaGio. Canti1080I-Mc, I-Vnm
[without collection title] Tiroler sind lustig p Calegarims: Gitarristische Sammlung Fritz Walter und Gabriele Wiedemann 470 D-Mbs [Mus.N. 122,1522]
Walzer / F. Calegarims: RiBSms-254eDK-Kk
Categories: Europe


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