Mitteilungen der Freien Vereinigung zur Förderung guter Guitaremusik (e. V.)

The journal “Mitteilungen der Freien Vereinigung zur Förderung guter Guitaremusik (e. V.)” (known in English as the “Free Society for the promotion of good guitar-music”) was one of the early, informative journals on the guitar published in Augsburg, Germany from 1904 to 1909. In January 1909 the Augsburg society joined with the Munich Gitarristischen Vereinigung and stopped publication of their own journal.


Julie Fondard

Julie Fondard, possibly 1819-1864, was a student of Sor in Paris perhaps earlier than 1830. Sor dedicated his opus 62 to her in 1838. She published in Cheltenham, England from around 1834 through 1836 where she first announced herself as a pupil of Sor. By the end of 1836 she was back in Paris.

A Theodore Fondard appeared in Paris newspapers in 1826-27 as a professor of guitar, but the relationship with Julie is unknown.


Alexander Weinmann – publishing catalogs

Below is a list of all of Alexander Weinmann’s “Beiträge zur Geschichte des Alt-Weiner Musikverlages” series for easy reference. His books document the output by date and plate number of many important Viennese publishers. His papers are housed in the David M. Rubinstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University. Many well-known (and unknown) guitarists’ publications can be researched in this series.


Emilia Giuliani

The Emilia Giuliani book is finally done! She was the daughter of Mauro Giuliani. Very little information about her has been available and only a few of her compositions have had much attention since their original publication in the 1830-40’s. In the 200th anniversary year of her birth I’m proud to release this book with tremendous work and support from Nicoletta Confalone and Thomas Heck.


Takei Collection

This is an incomplete list of compositions in the Morishige Takei collection at the Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo, Japan. It was compiled by Jiro Nakano. The Takei collection is not publicly accessibly to my knowledge, nor has it been fully catalogued. After Takei’s death it was in the custody of at least one other person during which time portions may have been mixed with other collections. Takei also had a large amount of mandolin music in his possession. I doubt that this list represents the total of his guitar collection. One thing to remember though is that Takei lost nearly all of his collection due to fires caused by the great Kanto earthquake in 1923, though his rebuilt collection mostly survived other fires caused by air raids on Tokyo during World War II.