The Early Guitar and Important Guitarists in Japan
This article was first published on Matanya Ophee’s Guitar and Lute Issues site in 1997 and later on my personal site
This article was first published on Matanya Ophee’s Guitar and Lute Issues site in 1997 and later on my personal site
This article was first published on Matanya Ophee’s Guitar and Lute Issues site in 1997 and later on my personal site
This article was first published on Matanya Ophee’s Guitar and Lute Issues site in 1997 and later on my personal site
The original title was An Introduction to the History of the Guitar in Japan Including Notes on the First Appearances of the Guitar in Japan and Detailed Biographies of Major Guitarists First Active in the Pre-war Period.
This is the full transcription of an article on the Bohemian Brothers from 1828 that is referenced in the Return With Us Now / Featured Facsimile article I wrote for Soundboard Vol. XXXVII, No. 1.
NOTE: New discoveries about Sagrini appear both in the biography In Search of Sagrini and in The Music of Luigi Sagrini.
I would like to pass on information about James Westbrook’s The Guitar Museum Concert…