
Guitar and Lute Issues

The on-line magazine of Editions Orphée.

Matanya Ophee started the Guitar and Lute Issues website in 1996 and continued to add articles until 2015. After Matanya’s passing in 2017 all of his domain names were transferred to Carl Fischer Music/Theodore Presser resulting in the articles becoming inaccessible. The site had many valuable articles by him and others which I felt should remain easily accessible.

I received permission from Matanya’s family to repost these articles under the original name Guitar and Lute Issues (G.A.L.I.) and have taken over the domain www.guitarandluteissues.com from Presser.

I used archives of the original site from 2002 and 2015, both from the family and from archive.org. I have no details on the addition or removal of articles over time other than what Matanya wrote on the site. I will add all articles from both archives in their entirety with his marked updates already in place. If any authors would like their articles removed please contact me. All email addresses and phone numbers have been removed to prevent spam to the authors.

There were about 15 articles which were links to other websites which I have not included.

This is the original disclaimer from Matanya:

This on-line magazine contains articles, Letters To the Editor, published and unpublished, and other documents that are relevant to our discipline. Updated on an irregular basis. We shall add or remove material from it as the need arises. You are free to print out and/or down load these documents and if you wish, even to distribute them to other individuals. Permission is hereby granted for this activity with two important provisions: the material remains the copyrighted property of the organization or individual author spelled out in the copyright notice, and whenever given to others, a clear credit line to this home page or to the home page of origin must be given. Magazines who wish to reproduce this material, on line or in print, may address themselves to us at [email address] or to the individual author directly. – Matanya Ophee

NOTE: “Editor” in articles represents Matanya Ophee, “DGA Editor” represents Robert Coldwell.

For additional online writings by Matanya Ophee see his Live Journal where he posted from 2004 through 2013.

On February 28, 2023 Soundboard Scholar reproduced 7 of Matanya’s Soundboard articles with a wonderful introduction by Stanley Yates.

Guitar Issues:
Lute Issues:
Articles with Music Files:
Letters To The Editor: