Letters from Justin Holland and J. M. Holland to C. F. Martin, 1868-1897

The letters below are transcribed from both handwritten and typewritten letters sent from Justin Holland and his son J. M. Holland to C. F. Martin over the years 1868 to 1896. Twelve letters written by Justin Holland are from 1868 to 1884 and thirty-five from his son are from 1887 to 1897. The letters are located in the C. F. Martin & Co. Archives. Many thanks to Jason Ahner, Archives & Museum Manager, for permission to publish the transcriptions.


Justin Minor Holland “The Guitar” in Brainard’s Musical World 1887-1888

A few years ago I found 14 pages of lined paper with articles pasted on them in a folder titled “Clippings Justin Holland 1887” in the Bickford Collection at California State University Northridge. The articles were titled “The Guitar” and included interesting topics on Sor, Carulli, Carcassi, Molino and answers to reader letters. A typescript also in this folder contains transcriptions of some of these articles and articles from other guitar journals. Based on these two items I was able to track down these articles to Brainard’s Musical World January – December 1888.
