Resonanzen, Rundschrift für Blockflöte und Gitarre
Resonanzen was published in Salzburg, Austria from 1973 to 1975.
(more…)Resonanzen was published in Salzburg, Austria from 1973 to 1975.
(more…)“Musik im Haus” was the third serial published by Dr. Josef Zuth.
(more…)The “Zeitschrift für die Gitarre” was the second serial published by Dr. Josef Zuth.
(more…)The “Zeitschrift der Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Pflege und Förderung des Gitarrenspiels” was the first serial published by Dr. Josef Zuth.
(more…)Österreichische Gitarre-Zeitschrift was published in Vienna from 1926 through 1930 by Jakob Ortner.