Nakano Collection
Since I originally posted in 2012 about the Nakano Collection (original post below) I have been working to add it to my Archive Search feature. It is finally available! Follow this link to show all items from the collection.
The print catalog has double entries for edited works so there are 7652 entries for 6100 unique items. In addition to the 6100 items in the print catalog I have added 212 items that were not originally in the print catalog. These are Japanese books/journals and Western books/journals.
Unfortunately it appears the database search is not working for Japanese or Russian characters. The database in general needs a lot of functional improvements. Please contact me if you need help with searches that are not working for you.
Sept. 2012:
Doshisha University compiled two catalogs of the Nakano Collection – one for guitar and one for mandolin. Both catalogs are available for order directly from the university. The Nakano Collection contains approximately 12,000 individual items with about 6100 in the guitar section. Doshisha has photocopied the nearly the entire collection and bound it into a series of very large volumes. As long as you can get into the library it is very easy to access the collection by requesting certain volumes.
See this site for more information about the mandolin part of Nakano’s collection.
The catalog is broken into individual works, anonymous works, collected works, Russian collected works, and methods.
Abbate, Nicola
Abis, Giovanni
Abloniz, Miguel
Abril, Tirado Pedro Ximenes
Absil, Jean
Abt, F.
Achaval, A. Peralta
Adam, Adolphe Charles
Ageni, L.D.
Agras, R.
Aguado, Dionisio
Aguilera de Heredia, Sebastian
Aguirre, Julian
Ajala (Ayala), Ruggiero
Alard, Delphin
Alba, Antonio
Albeniz, Isaac
Albeniz, Mateo
Albeniz, Pedro
Albert, Heinrich
Albert, R. Rod.
Alberti, F.
Albinoni, Tomaso
Alcazar, Miguel
Alfonso X, El Sabio
Alfonso, Javier
Alfonso, Nicolas
Allende, Q.B.
Almagro, A.
Almeida, Laurindo
Almenar, M. de
Aloisi, A.
Alvarez, Antonio
Alwe, F.
Amadei, Amedeo
Ambrosius, Hermann
Andres, F. San
Angel, Miguel
Anido, Maria Luisa
Anzaghi, Luigi Oreste
Apostel, Hans Erich
Arai, Kazuo (新井和夫)
Arbo, M. Asins
Arcangelo (del Leuto) (Lori Arcangelo)
Arcas, Julian
Arenas, Mario Rodrigues
Arnao, P.
Arolas, E.
Arrigo, Girolamo
Asencio, Vicente
Asioli, Francesco (da Reggio)
Auber, Daniel F.E.
Aubery du Boulley, P.L.
Ayala, Delia Montero
Ayala, Hector
Aydintan, Zya
Azpiazu, Jose de
Bacci, Mario
Bach, A.M.
Bach, Carl Philip Emanuel
Bach, Friedman
Bach, J. Christian
Bach, Johann Sebastian
Bach, Johann Ernst
Bacher, Josef
Baille, Louis
Bailleux, Antoine
Bakfark, Balint
Balaguer, Francesco
Balaguer, Rafael
Baldini, U.
Balfe, M.W.
Ballat, Camille
Baptiste, J.
Barbe, M.
Barbetta, Giulio Cesare (Barbetti)
Barbieri, Mario
Barco, A. Baron de
Barison, Cesare
Barkhausen, Carlo
Barlow, Fred
Barnett, John
Barrachina, G.
Barret, J.
Barrios, Augustin
Barrios, Angel
Baschny, Ioseph
Baston, John
Bathioli, F.
Bauclair, A.R.
Baumann, Herbert
Baumgart, Herrmann
Baur, Jurg
Bautista, Julian
Bayer, Eduard
Beaujoyeux, vers 1580
Beccuti, R.
Becker, g.
Beckerath, Alfred von
Bedard, Juan Bautista
Beethoven, Ludvig van
Behrend, Siegfried
Belanovsky, S.
Belasco, M.
Bellenghi, Giuseppe
Bellini, Vincenzo
Bellisario, A.
Bellow, Alexander
Benda, G.
Berat, E.
Berbiguier, T. et Carpentras, Louis Ange
Bergonzi, R.
Beringer, G.
Berkeley, Lennox
Berlioz, Louis Hector
Bermudo, Juan (Padre)
Berruti, Dino
Bersano, A.
Bertin, Elisa
Bertioli, A.
Berto, A.P.
Besard, Jean Baptiste (Besardus)
Bettinelli, Bruno
Bevilaqua, Mathieu
Biagi, Manlio
Bianchini, Domenico
Bickford, V. Olcott
Billiard (Billard), Jean Paul (Juan Pablo)
Birth, Th.
Bischoff, H.
Bisi, R.
Bissantz, G.
Bizet, Georges
Blanchi, G.
Blanco, J.A.O.
Blum, Charles
Bobri, V.
Bobrowicz, J.N. de
Boccherini, Luigi
Bochsa, C. Pere
Boda, John
Bodstein, F.A.
Bohr, Heinrich
Boieldieu, Francois-Adrien
Bolzoni, Giovanni
Bondon, Jacques
Bonet, D.
Bonfa, Luis
Bononcini, G.B.
Bonvicini, F.
Borella, J.
Borges, Raul
Borgesano, A.
Borodin, Aleksandr Porfirievich
Borroni, Pietro Paolo (Paulo Borrono da Milan)
Bortolazzi, Bartolomeo
Bosch (Renard), Jaime Felipe Jose
Bosque, R.G.
Brahms, Johannes
Brandao, Jose Domingos
Brayssing, Gregoire
Bream, Julian
Brescianello, Giuseppe Antonio
Breton y Hernandez, Tomas
Britten, Benjamin
Broca, Jose
Brodsky, Ferenc
Brojer, Robert
Broqua, Alfonso
Brouwer, Leo
Bruger, Hans Dagobert
Brughetti, F.
Brull, M.
Brunner, C.T.
Bufaletti, F.
Bufano, Jorge
Buisson, Du
Bulatoff, Paul
Burgmuller, F.
Burkhart, F.
Buscaglia, J.
Butting, M.
Buttinger, C.C.
Caballero, Manuel F.
Cabezon, Antonio
Cabrera, F.
Cabrera, Miguel
Calace, Raffaele
Calandra, Matilde T. de
Calatayud, Bartolome
Caldara, Antonio
Calegari, Francesco
Caliendo, Eduardo
Call, Leonard de
Calleja, Francisco
Calleja, R.
Campello, E.
Campion, Francios
Campo, J.
Candi, Candido
Cano, Antonio
Cano, Federico
Cantoral, R.
Capeller, J.N.
Capirola, Vincenzo
Capua, Eduardo di
Caputo, Gennaro
Carboni, J.A.
Carcassi, Matteo
Carnaud, pere et fils
Caroli, A. (Eduard Bayer)
Carosio, Ermenegildo
Carosio, Ettore
Caroso, Fabritio (Fabrizio)
Carulli, Ferdinando
Carulli, Gustavo
Casanovas, S.G.
Casielles, B. Fernandez
Castellacci, Luigi
Castellano, Jesus
Castelli, Francesco
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario
Castro de Gistau, Salvador
Castro, F. de
Casuscelli, Nicodemo
Cavazzoli, Germano
Cervantes, Ignacio
Chacon, Meme
Chapi, Ruperto
Chavarri, Eduardo L.
Chessi, Vincenzo
Chierici, F.
Chiesa, Ruggero
Chilesotti, Oscar
Chiodi, R.
Chopin, Frederic
Chueca, Frederico
Cimadevilla, F.
Cimarosa, Domenico
Clarke, Jeremiah
Coco, J.B.
Coenen, P.
Colombo, E.
Company, Antonio
Company, Alvaro
Corbetta, Francois
Corbian, R.
Corelli, Arcangelo
Corezzola, Vittorio
Costa, J.
Costa, Onorato
Coste, Napoleon
Cottin, Alfredo
Cottin, Madelein
Couperin, Francois
Crespo, J.G.
Cruz, Ivo
Cubedo, Manuel
Cuevas, A.
Cutting, F.
Czernuschka, Fritz
Da Crema, Giovanni (Joan) Maria
Dagosto, Sylvain
Dahlke, Ernst
Dall’Abacco, E.F.
Dall’Aquila, Marco (Da L’Aquila)
Dalmar, Alvaro
Dalza, Joan Ambrosio (Joannambrosio)
Damas, Tomas
Danner, P.
Daquin, Louis-Claude
Darr, Adam
Daube, Joh. Fr.
David del Castillo
David, Joh. Nep.
David, Thomas Christian
De la Maza, Regino Sainz
Debussy, C.
Decker-Schenk, J.
Defrance, B.E.
Degese, V.
Del Castillo,
Delaunay, P.
Delfino, Enrique
Delibes, Leo
Denza, Luigi
Derwort, G.H.
Desderi, E.
Di Ponio, B.
Diabelli, A.
Diaz, Alirio
Dickhut, C.
Dieupart, Charles
Digmeloff, G.
Diomedes de Venezia
Dipple, T.I.
Dobrauz, Carl
Dodgson, Stephen
Domandl, Willy
Dominguez, A.
Dominici, Antonio
Donizetti, Gaetano
Donostia, J.A.
Dorn, J.
Dowland, John
Drongitis, S.
Duarte, John W.
Dubez, J.
Dullye, J.M.
Dunst, Etienne
Dupre, Desmond
Durand, Aug.
Duvernay, Flamini
Eitler, Esteban
Emanuel-Cali, Gaetano
Emma, Louis
Engel, E.
Es, Piet van
Escudero, Mario
Espinos, Alonso
Espinosa (de los Monteros), Gaspar
Esquembre, Quintin
Estrada, Hector
Eulenstein, C.
Evans, Wm.
Eynard, Camille
Ezaki, K.
Fabini, Edouardo
Fabri, T.
Fahrbach, Josef (Joseph)
Falla, Manuel de
Falu, Eduardo
Fampas, Dimitris
Faraill, Marius
Faraill, Martial
Farbach, F.
Farrauto, G.
Fernandez, O.L.
Ferrabosco, Alfonso (de Bolognia)
Ferracin, G. Nadir
Ferrandiere, F.
Ferrari, Aldo
Ferrari, Romolo
Ferrer, Jose
Fetler, P.
Fier, Johann B. von
Filippi, Amedeo de
Fleury, Abel
Flotow, Friedrich von
Foden, Wm.
Foreit, A.
Forrer, Theo.
Fortea, Daniel
Fortea, Severino Garcia
Fossa, Francois de
Francaix, J.
Francesco da Milano
Francia, Ferdinando
Franz, J.
Franz, R.
Fray Tomas de Santa Maria
Frescobaldi, G.
Fresno, Jorge
Friesnegg, K.
Fuenllana, M. de
Furstenau, Kaspar (C.)
Galilei, Vincenzo
Galindo, Patricio
Galles, Jose
Gallucci, Luigi
Galluzzo, Alfonso
Galluppi, B.
Gangi, Mario
Garcia, A.
Garcia, C.
Garcia, Hector
Gardana, Enea
Gardel, Carlos
Garsi, Santino (da Parma)
Gascon, Leon Vicente
Gatayes, Guillaume Pierre Antoine
Gatell, Alfredo
Gaude, Th.
Gautiero, R.
Gavall, John
Gelas, Lucien
Gelli, Vincent
Geminiani, Francesco
Genta, M.
Gentile, A.A.
Gerle, Hans
Geszler, Gyorgy
Gherardini, C.
Giesbert, F.J.
Gil, Francisco
Gilardino, Angelo
Giles, F. Diaz
Gimenez y Vives
Gimenez, G.
Giordani, Giuseppe
Giordani, T.
Giordano, Luis
Giraud, Hubert
Giuliani, Mauro
Giuliani, Emilia
Giuliani, Michel
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich
Gluck, Christoph Willibald
Goldberg, Georges
Gomez, R.
Gomez, V.
Gonzales, Jose Luis
Gorzanis, Giacomo (de)
Gossner, Sophie
Gotz, Alois
Gotze, Walter
Gounod, Charles Francois
Graffer, A. (Graeffer)
Gragnani, Filippo
Granada, L. Sanchez
Granadauer, K.
Granados, Enrique
Granata, R.
Grasso, G.
Grau, A.
Graupner, Christoph
Gregori, G.L.
Gretry, A.
Grieg, Edvard Hagerup
Griessel, Apie
Grisar, Albert
Groodt, F. de
Gruber, F.X.
Grupalli, J.C.
Guastavino, C.
Guenett, Freddy
Guerau, F.
Guerrero, J.
Guidon, Maurice
Guindani, Giulio
Gurlitt, Cornelius
Halevy, J.
Halffter (-Escriche), Ernesto
Halffter (-Escriche), Rudolfo
Hamada, Jiro (浜田滋郎)
Handel, Georg Friedrich
Hara, Hiroshi (原博)
Hara, Kazuko (原嘉寿子)
Harder, A.
Hardmuth, Louis
Hartig, Heinz Friedrich
Hasenohrl, Franz
Haug, Hans
Hayakawa, Masaaki (早川正昭)
Hayashi, Hikaru (林光)
Haydn, Franz Joseph
Hebb, Bernard
Hechel, W.
Heeren, Hanns (Hannes)
Heller, Stephen
Henri Le Jeune (Henry Le Jeune)
Henze, Bruno
Henze, Carl (Charles)
Herold, Johann Theodor
Herrera, Ramon de
Herz, H.
Hibino, Toshimichi (日比野俊道)
Hirai, Kozaburo (平井康三郎(保喜))
Hirayoshi, Takekuni (平吉毅州)
Hlouschek, Theodor
Hofer, Frederic
Hoffer, Paul
Hofmeister, Robert
Hohne, H.
Holz, Emil
Homann, O.
Horetzky, Felix (Horecki, Feliks)
Hori, Kiyotaka (堀清隆)
Hoshido, Mikio (芳志戸幹雄)
Huber, Eugen
Huerta, A.T.
Hulsen, Ernst
Hummel, Johann N.
Hunten, E.P.
Hunten, Frantz
Hussey, M.A.
Huttl, W.
Huwet, Gregorio
Ibert, Jacques
Ifukube, Akira (伊福部昭)
Iglesias, A.
Infanterie, G.
Iparraguirre, P.A.
Irino, Yoshiro (入野義郎)
Ishii, Maki (石井真木)
Ishizuki, Kazumasa ()
Isnardi, Benedetto
Ito, Hisao (伊東尚生)
Ivanov-Kramskoi, A.
Ivanovici, Ion. (J.)
Jaksch, Emilie
Jansa, L.
Jansen, J.C.W.
Jeffery, Brian
Jelinek, H.
Jobim, Antonio Carlos
John, S.
Johnson, Robert
Jolivet, Andre
Joly, D.
Jorge, M. de
Judenkunig, Hans
Jullot, Gaston
Just, Elsa
Kabalewsky, D.
Kaneko, Takao ()
Kapsberger, J.H.
Karpati, E.
Keller, Ch.
Kellner, Josef
Kelterborn, R.
Kennard, Deric
Kennard, Jan.
Kimura, Masami (木村正美)
Kinsky, Georg
Kitchener, W.J.
Klambt, F.
Klienlen, J. Ch.
Klinger, J.
Knab, Armin
Kobune, Kojiro (小船幸次郎)
Kohaut, Carl
Kok, J.B.
Komter, J.M.
Komuro, Hitoshi (小室等)
Kondo, Tsuneo (近藤恒夫)
Korsakoff, Rimsky
Kosack, Hans Peter
Kothe, Robert
Kovats, Barna
Koyama, Masaru (小山勝)
Kratzmann, Emil
Krebs, Johann Ludwig
Kreisler, Fritz
Kremberg, Jacob
Kretschmar, Walter
Kreutzer, Conradin
Kreutzer, Joseph
Kuebs, Johann Ludwig
Kuffner, Joseph
Kuhnau, J.
Kummer, Gaspard
Kushima, Takaaki (玖島隆明)
Kyaw, H.A.F. de
Labarre, Trille
Labitzky, Joseph
Ladru, Anibal
Lagoya, Alexandre
Laiceras, Juan
Lakenbacher, B.
Lanner, Joseph
Lanzerotti, Arturo
Lara, Augustin
Lara, Roberto
Lasala, Angel E.
Laserna, Blas.
Latorre, J.P.
Lauenstein, O.
Lauffensteiner, Wolf J.
Laurencini de Roma
Laurent, Leo
Lauro, Antonio
Le Roy, Adrien
Lebedew, W.P.
Lebegue, Nicolas Antoine
Lechthaler, Josef
Leclair, J.M.
LeDhuy, J.B.A.
Leeb, Hermann
Legay, Marcel
Legnani, L.
Lehar, Franz
Leloup, Hilarion
Lemoine, Henry
Leon, Raul
Leone, Graciano de
Leone, Nanni
Leroy, Adrien
Lesage de Richee, Felipe Francisco (Fr. Ph.)
Lespinasse, H.
Lhoyer, A. de
Lier, Wim van
Lincke, P.
Lindner, P.
Liszt, Franz
Llobet, Miguel
Locatelli, Pietro
Logy (Losy), Johann Anton
Lom, J. Ch.
Lomuto, Francisco
Lopardo, Luis
Lopez (y) Villanueva, Antonio
Lopez, Consuelo Mallo
Lopez, J.M.
Loreti, A.
Lotti, Arietta di Antonio
Loza, Diaz
Lozano, Antonio
Lucena, E.
Luckner, Otto
Luczah, Hugo (Lukzah/Luczak)
Luigi, G.
Lully, Jean-Baptiste (Lulli, Giovanni B.)
Luna, Pablo
Luque, Julio A. Vocos
Lusignan, Constant de
Lutz, Ella (Elle)
Maar, Gust
Machkewitch, W.P.
Maciocchi, Mario
Madriguera, Paquita
Magarshack, John
Mairants, Ivor
Makaroff, Nicolas
Makuta, Keiji (幕田慶司)
Malats, J.
Manabe, Riichiro (真鍋理一郎)
Mancinelli, Margherita
Manen, Joan
Manjon, Antonio J.
Maravilla, Luis
Marcellino, J. Augusto
Marcello, Benedetto
Marchetti, F.
Marchetto, Cara
Marco, E.
Marella, Giovanni Battista
Marin, Rafael
Marinelli, Carlo
Mariotti, Ugo
Marquez-Garcia, Matias
Marschner, Heinrich
Marshall, B.
Marteau, Rene
Martin, Frank
Martin, John
Martinez, J. Gonzales
Martinez, Pepe
Martini, Giovanni Battista (Juan Bautista)
Martini, P.
Martino, U. de
Martorell, J. Guerrero
Marucelli, Enrico
Marx, Karl
Mas, Miguel
Mascha, M.
Massana, A.
Massenet, Jules
Massis, Amable
Matiegka, Wenzel
Matsumoto, Teiho (松本定芳)
Mattheson, Johann
Mayer, A.
Mayer, C.H.
Mayer, Ilfei
Mayeur, L.
Mayseder, J.
Maza, P.
Mazza, Giuseppe (Joseph)
Mazzola, Angelo
Mazzola, Nando
Mediavilla, J.L.
Medio, A.
Mehlhart, Anton
Meier, Georg (Maier, Georg)
Meissonier, Antoine
Meissonier, Joseph
Mekarsky, Victor de
Menaya, I.
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendez, Conny
Mendez, Guillermo Flores
Menotti, Nelly
Mercadante, S.
Mercado, D.
Merchi, Giacomo
Mertz, J.K.
Metallo, G.
Methfessel, Fr.
Meunier, Philippe
Meyer, Ad.
Meyer-Steineg, Th.
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Meyster, W.
Mietzke, C.
Milan (Millan), Louis (Luis/Luys) de
Milhaud, D.
Miliaressis, Gerassimos
Minchiotti, Luigi
Miranda, Basilio
Miyake, Haruna (三宅榛名)
Miyata, Masao ()
Mizobuchi, Kohgoro (溝淵浩五郎)
Modugno, D.
Mohino, J.G.
Mokrousov, B.
Molinaro, Simone
Molino, Franc
Molitor, Simon Franz
Mollmann, C.
Mompou, F.
Monden, Godelieve
Monteverdi, Claudio
Montey, H.
Monti, Vittorio
Monzino, G.
Moore, T.
Morales, J.T.
Morales, Rafael (Raphael)
More, Gonzalo Gonzalez
Moretti, Federico
Moretti, Luigi
Mori, C. de
Mori-Taddei, Cesare
Morkoff, W.I.
Moya, Vicente
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozzani, Luigi
Mudarra, Alonso
Muller, J.J.
Muller-Pering, Thomas
Munier, Carlo
Munoz, Ricardo
Murcia, Santiago de
Murtula, Giovanni
Musorgsky, Modest Petrovich
Nadegine, L.A.
Nagel, Frank
Nagytothy-Toth, Abel
Nakabayashi, Atsuhiko (中林淳真)
Nakagawa, Nobutaka (中川信隆)
Nakano, Jiro (中野二郎)
Narvaez, Luys de (Luis)
Nava, Achille
Nava, Antonio
Navarro, Matilde Ferrari de
Navone, Giovanni
Neeman, H.
Negri, Cesare
Negri, Silvio
Nemerowski, A.
Neruda, F.
Neuland, W.
Neusidler, Hans
Nevot, Pera
Nicolai, Otto
Nieto (Gonzalez), Manuel (Gonzalez Nieto, M)
Nieto, Jose N.
Nin-Culmell, Joaquin
Nishigaki, Masanobu (西垣正信)
Nishimori, M. (西森正治)
Noad, Frederick M.
Noble, Ramon
Noceti, G.
Nogales, Rafael
Nogueras, V. Costa
Noli, Juan F.
Norman, Theodore
Noro, Takeo (野呂武男)
Nunes, Milton R.
Nunez, Enrique A.
Nuske, J.A.
Obara, Seiko (小原聖子)
Oberleitner, And.
Obregon, Alberto C.
Ocampo, M.C.
Offenbach, Jacques
Oginski, M.
Ogura, Shun (小倉俊)
Oguri, T. ()
Ohana, Maurice
Okawara, Yoshie (大河原義衛)
Olcott-Bickford, Vahdah
Olivieri, A.
Orozco, Praxedes Gil
Ortiz, Julian
Ortner, Jakob
Otsuka, Fusayoshi (大塚房喜)
Padovetz, Joh.
Paer, F.
Paganini. Niccolo
Pahissa, J.
Palacio, Domingo T.
Palau, Manuel
Paleologo, Andres
Palladino, Carlo
Papas, Sophocles
Parga, Juan
Parkening, Christopher
Parodi, Mario
Parra, Luis A. de la
Parras del Moral
Parras, Juan
Partisch, J.F.
Pasquini, Bernardo
Pastor, Juan
Pastor, Segundo
Paulian, E.
Pavlistcheff, N.
Pavon, A.M.
Payne, J.H.
Pedrell, Carlos
Pelzer, C. Josepha
Pelzer, Ferdinand
Pena, E. Vazquez
Pepusch, J. Ch.
Peralta, S.G.
Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista
Peroni, Giuseppe
Peschini, A.
Peters, P.
Petit, Raymond
Pettoletti, P.
Peyron, F.G.V.
Pezzoli, G.
Pfeifer, Franz
Pfister, Karl
Piedra, G. de
Pignocchi, E.
Pinero, Bianqui
Pirani, G.B.
Pisador, Diego
Pitfield, T.B.
Pittaluga, Gustavo
Pizzi, Ugo
Playford, John
Plesas, Mimi
Plouvier, P.J.
Polansky, Gustav
Pollet, B.
Pomilio, Tomas
Ponce, Manuel Maria
Ponchielli, Amilcare
Porrino, Ennio
Portela, Raul
Portillo, J.
Powrozniak, Jozef
Pradatsch, F.
Prat, Domingo
Pratten, Catharina Josepha
Pratten, R. Sidney (Madame)
Presti, Ida
Printems, L.J. Jacques
Proakins, Costa
Proakis, C.
Proch, Heinrich
Provost, H.
Prusik, K.
Puente-Arnao, Maximo
Pujol, Emilio
Purcell, Henry
Purday, C.H.
Puskas, Tibor
Quintero, Juan
Raab, J.
Rameau, Jean-Philippe
Ranieri, Silvio
Rau, [Vicefeldwebel]
Reger, C.
Regondi, Giulio
Reichardt, J.F.
Reiner, I (J). E.
Reis, Jacobus
Resinger, M.J.
Reiter, Albert
Rentmeister, Josef
Reyne, Gerard
Ribayaz, L. Ruiz de
Ricci, L.
Riche, Noel
Rickford, Vahdah D.
Riedinger, F (J).
Riera, R.
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai
Ringler, Franz
Rio, Chuck
Rios, S. Pintos
Ritter, H.
Ritter, Theodor
Robledo, Josefina
Roca, Luisa M. de
Rocamora, F.
Roch, Pascual
Rode, Jacques Pierre
Rodrigo, Joaquin
Rodrigo, P.
Rodriquez, G.H. Matos
Roedel, J.
Roesel, Rudolf E.
Rogatis, T.F. de
Romberg, B.
Romer, Mathaus
Romero, Luis T.
Romero, M.P.
Roncalli, Ludovico
Rondorf, Alfred
Rooy, Julio
Rosanelli, G.
Rosas, Juventino
Rosenmuller, Johann
Rosetta, Giuseppe
Rossini, Gioacchino
Rotta, Antonio
Rougeon, P.
Roussel, Albert
Roy, Adrian le
Rubinsein, Anton Grigorievich
Rubinstein, Anton Grigorievich
Rubira, A.
Rueff, Rolf
Ruet, Jaime
Ruiz-pipo, Antonio (Ruiz Pipo)
Rusanov, V.A.
Rust, Fr. W.
Rycken, Hendrick
Sacchi, Federico
Sagreras, Julio S.
Sagreras, Gaspar
Sagraras, Clelia J.
Sagrini, L.
Sainz de la Maza, Eduardo
Saita, K. ()
Saito, T. ()
Salazar, Adolfo
Saldarelli, Vincenzo
Samazeuilh, Gustave
Sammartini, Gioseffo
Sammartino, L.R.
Sanchez, Blas
Sancho, Jose
Santorsola, Guido
Sanz, D.M.
Sanz, Gaspar
Sarasate, Pablo (de)
Sarcoli, Adolfo
Sarenko, W.S.
Sarrablo (y) Clavero, Manuel
Sartori, Giacomo
Satalia, Agustin
Savio, Isaias
Sawa, Tsunehiko ()
Sawaguchi, Chuzaemon (沢口忠左衛門)
Scarlatti, D.
Scarlatti, Alessandro
Schale, C.F.
Schaller, Erwin
Scheidler, Christian Gottlieb
Scheit, Karl
Scherber, C.A.
Scherrer, H.
Schibler, Armin
Schick, O.
Schindler, Otto
Schlick, Arrnolt
Schlick, Juan Conrad
Schlinske, W.
Schmid-Kayser, Hans
Schmidt, A.
Schnabel, Josef
Schneider, Simon
Scholz, Arthur Johannes
Schramm, Werner
Schubert, Franz
Schulz, Andre
Schulz, Leonard
Schulz, Max
Schumann, Robert
Schuster, V.
Schutz, Heinrich
Schwarz-Reiflingen, Erwin
Schwerdhofer, Markus
Seegner, Franz G.
Segovia, Andres
Seiber, Matyas
Seixas, Carlo de
Sensier, Peter
Seracini, J.
Shand, Ernest
Shimizu, Tamaki ()
Shimma, Hideo (新間英雄)
Shipley, R.
Shiraishi, Akio ()
Shishido, M. ()
Siegl, Otto
Sikhra, A.
Silcher, Fr.
Silvestri, Primo
Simone, Pablo
Sinopoli, Antonio
Sirera, Jose
Skorzeny, Fritz
Sofia, Pedro
Sojo, Vincente E.
Sola, C.M.
Soler, P. Antonio
Solov’ev, A.
Sopp, Fr.
Sor, Ferdinand
Soria, L.
Soriano, Perez
Spina, Anton(io)
Spina, Frederic
Spinacino, Francesco
Spintler, Chr.
Spohr, Ludwig
Spontini, Gasparo
Spreafico, Federico R.
Staak, P. van der
Stadlmair, Hans
Steigenberger, A.
Steinfels, A.
Sterzati, Umberto
Stingl, Anton
Stockmann, J.
Stoll, Fr.
Strauss, Johann II
Stravinsky, Igor
Strobl, Otto
Sugano, Hirokazu ()
Suppe, Franz von
Suppus, C.
Suss, Rudolf
Sussmann, Ph.
Suzuki, Seiichi (鈴木静一)
Takagi, Takashi ()
Takei, Morishige (武井守成)
Tansman, Alexandre
Tapia, J.
Taraffo, Pasquale
Tarrago, Graciano
Tarrega, Francisco
Tatay, Francisco Nacher
Tauber, W.
Tchaikovsky, Petr Ilych
Tedesko, M.
Telemann, Georg Philipp
Terzi, Benvenuto
Tessarech, Jacques
Theunen-Seidl, Hertha
Thomas, Juan Maria
Thome, Francis
Tirado, P.X. Abril
Titl, A. Emil
Toci, T.
Tomas, Jose
Tomaschek, Anton
Tonassi, Pietro
Tonazzi, Bruno
Topper, Guido
Torelli, Giuseppe
Torre, Francisco de la
Torroba, Frederico Moreno
Townsend, Lawrence
Turina, J.
Turk, Daniel Gottlob
Tuti, R.
Udaeta, A.
Ueda, Masanao (上田雅直)
Uhl, Alfred
Uldall, Hans
Uray, Ernst Ludwig
Urban, Stepan
Usher, Terry
Usillos, Carlos
Uzes, J.
Vaccari, R.
Valderrabano, Enriquez de
Valencia, J.
Valverde y Estelles,
Van de Velde, Albert A.
Vanhall, J.B.
Varela, P.C.
Varlet, A.H.
Vazquez, Juan
Velasco, Venancio Garcia
Velletri, Cassio de
Verdi, Giuseppe F.
Veretti, Antonio
Vergnes, J. des
Viarizio, Rodolfo
Viladomat, J.
Villa-Lobos, H.
Villanueva, M. Anibal
Villar, Rogelio
Vimeux, Jos.
Vinas, Jose
Viozzi, Giulio
Visee, Robert de
Viseo, R. de
Vivaldi, Antonio
Vizzari, Alessandro
Vlessing, Sam.
Vogler, Georg Joseph
Volbeding, I.E.
Wagner, Alfred
Wagner, J.H.
Wagner, Richard
Wagner-Regeny, Rudolf
Waldron, Jason
Waldteufel, Emile
Walker, Luise
Walter, F.
Wanczura, Jos.
Weber, Carl Maria von
Webern, Anton
Weiss, A.L. (J.A. or A.B.)
Weiss, Silvius Leopold
Wenkel, Joh. Fr. Wilh.
Wennig, Hermann
Wensiecki, Edmund
Werner, Jean-Jacques
Wieniawski, Henryk
Williams, Len.
Winner, Septimus
Wissmer, P.
Witoszynskyj, Leo
Witt, Emil
Wolf, Louis
Wolki, Konrad
Worschech, Romain
Wybrow, M.
Wynberg, Simon
Wyssotsky, M.
Yamada, Kosaku (山田耕作)
Yamashita, Kazuhito (山下和仁)
Yepes, Narciso
Yokoh, Yukihiro (横尾幸弘)
Yoshimatsu, Takashi (吉松隆)
Yradier, Sebastian
Yupanqui, Atahualpa
Yust, R.
Zabal, Fidel
Zachow, Friedrich Wilhelm (Zachau)
Zagwijin, Henri
Zani de Ferranti, M.A.
Zanoskar, Hubert
Zarate, J. Martinez
Zelter, K.F.
Ziegler, Ignaz
Zimmermann, H.
Zipoli, Domenico
Zschiesche, Alf.
Zurfluh, Auguste
Zuth, J.
Wolf Scheel · April 28, 2014 at 5:45 am
Hello, I just got this message from Japan … I am not sure, why they have this treasure!? This is sad and destructive. Most music here is European and American heritage and also out of license …
Best wishes from France, Wolf
Datum: 28. April 2014 11:50:37 MESZ
Dear Wolfgang Scheel
Thank you very much for your interest in our library.
We regret to say that we do not send the music scores online or by PDF.
It’s also prohibited to make photocopies of Nakano Music Score
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Robert Coldwell · April 28, 2014 at 9:35 am
I can explain the issue and give a bit of history of the collection. Nakano began collecting from at least as early as the 1920’s. He didn’t always have access to originals so he gathered photocopies along the way. I know these copies came from many sources including other collectors and libraries around the world. When Nakano’s health began failing he gave his collection to Doshisha Library. He lived many years after that and continued collecting. Doshisha photocopied all non-bound material and made huge reference books. You could only review those at the library. At some point the library realized they could not ascertain the origin of every piece of music and they made a decision to stop allowing copies. Sometimes they will transcribe text for you but for the music you have to visit the library in person.
I argued with them for a few weeks on this decision but they will not budge. It is a difficult situation with music where the content is public domain but libraries want to control the image as “copyrighted” which is not technically legal. In my experience libraries in Japan are difficult to deal with.
Marco Bazzotti · May 14, 2014 at 2:43 am
The Nakano Music Scores Collection is priced 2,500 yen at
and there’s written “For those who wish to purchase or inquire, please contact the Doshisha Enterprise (Telephone : +81-….)”. Is there possibility to talk in English with them or buy directly with credit card?
I can’t see that. I just need some records for guitar solo, only two Italian names.
Robert Coldwell · May 14, 2014 at 9:09 am
There are actually two catalogs of the Nakano collection: one for guitar and one for mandolin. I have both and can look up any names for you although the complete name list from the guitar collection is in this post. The library will respond to emails in English and may do some further research for you short of making copies. I have photocopies of over 180 editions from the collection in addition to photocopies of the table of contents for all guitar journals in the collection.
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