The Moscow Weiss Lute Manuscript: Abbreviations, Sources And Bibliography
art. article
ed. editor
fn. footnote
meas. measure(s)
mod. edn modern edition
mvt movement
n.t. no title
repr. reprint
rs(s) rhythm sign(s)
tabl. tablature
tr. translator
transcr. transcription
vol(s) volume(s)
Lute manuscripts cited
Buenos Aires, Biblioteca Nacional, MS 236/R. Begun 1657, with additions 1720-30. (Boetticher, pp. 67-8.)
’Chilesotti’ MS, formerly owned by Oscar Chilesotti; current whereabouts unknown. An almost complete transcr. by Chilesotti himself is preserved among his papers at the Fondazione Cini in Venice.[1]See the thematic catalogue of Chilesotti’s lute and guitar transcriptions published in Rumore/Zanenghi 1987.
Dresden, Sächsisches Landesbibliothek, MS. Mus. 2841-V-1. German, c1730-60. (Boetticher, pp. 92-3.)[2]Pieces in this source are identified by the sequential number of the sonata in which they appear therein, followed, in parentheses, by the page number in Reich 1979, a reduced facsimile edition of … Continue reading
Göttweig, Stiftsbibliothek, Lautentabulatur 1. Austrian, contains pieces dated 1735-38. (Boetticher, p. 127.)
London, British Library, Department of Manuscripts, Additional MS 30387. German, ?Prague, 1717-c1725. (Boetticher, p. 179.)
——, British Library, Department of Manuscripts, Additional MS 31698. German and English, c1760-70, with additions to 1813. (Boetticher, p. 183.)
Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Mus. MS. 5362. German, c1760. (Boetticher, p. 225.)
Rostock, Universitätsbibliothek, Mus. saec. XVII 18.531 B. German, c1720. (Boetticher, p. 309.)
Strasbourg, Bibliothèque de l’Institut de Musicologie de l’Université, Ms. Rm 271. East Prussian?, binding dated 1740. (Boetticher, pp. 329-30.)
Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Mus. MS. 18829. Austrian, c1730. (Boetticher, p. 355.)
Warsaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Rps. 36 (formerly Breslau, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, MS 2004). Silesian, c1730. (Boetticher, p. 368.)
——, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Rps. 13 (formerly Breslau, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, MS 2005). Silesian, c1730. (Boetticher, p. 368.)
——, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Rps. 57 (formerly Breslau, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut, MS 2008). Silesian, c1730. (Boetticher, p. 369.)
Printed sources cited
M.H.E. Meier & L.F. Kämtz, eds., Allgemeine Encyklopaedie der Wissenschaften und Künste, 3rd Section (O-Z), vol. 15, art. ‘Pelagrazki’ (by G.W. Fink). Leipzig, 1841.
C.H. Andrusyshen and J.N. Krett, eds, Ukrainian-English Dictionary. Toronto, 1955.
Ol’ga Arnautova, ‘“Moskovskoi Manuskript” Leopolda Silviusa Vaisa’ (The “Moscow Manuscript” of Leopold Silvius Weiss), in Starinnaia muzyka v kontekste sovremennoi kul’tury: problemy interpretatsy i istochnikovedenia (Early music in the context of contemporary culture: problems of interpretation and source study) Materialy muzykovedecheskogo kongressa (Moskovskaia Konservatoria 27 sentiabra-1 oktiabra 1989) (Material of the Musicological Congress, Moscow Conservatory, September 27th-October 1st, 1989) pp. 527-37. Moscow 1989.
W. Boetticher, Handschriftlich überlieferte Lauten- und Gitarrentabulaturen, Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales, BVII. Munich, 1978.
R. Chiesa, ed., Silvius Leopold Weiss, Intavolatura di Liuto, 2 vols. Milan: S. Zerboni, 1967.
T. Crawford, ‘Editing Weiss for the Sämtliche Werke: the composer’s contribution to the London and Dresden manuscripts’, Congress S.L. Weiss, Life and Times, Freiburg, September 1992. Report forthcoming.
H. Eichberg and T. Kohlhase, eds. Einzeln überlieferte Klavierwerke II und Kompositionen für Lauteninstrumente, J.S. Bach, Neue Ausgabe Sämtlicher Werke, Serie V, Band 10. Cassel: Bärenreiter, 1976.
R. Eitner, Biographisch-Bibliographisches Quellen-Lexicon, 11 vols. Leipzig, 1902; repr. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1959.
R. Eklund, ‘UUB Imhs 20:13. A contextual study of a lute manuscript’ (unpublished dissertation, Stockholm University, 1991).
M. FÜrstenau, Zur Geschichte der Musik und Theaters am Hofe zu Dresden, II. Dresden, 1862; repr. Leipzig: Peters, 1971.
E.L. Gerber, Historisch- Bibliographisches Lexicon der Tonkünstler. Leipzig, 1790-92; repr. Graz: Akademische Druck- und Verlagsanstalt, 1977.
J. Klima, Sylvius Leopold Weiss, 1686-1750. Kompositionen für die Laute. Quellen- und Themenverzeichnis als Ergänzung zur Arbeit von Hans Neeman, Wiener Lautenarchiv, Themenverzeichnis No. 6. Maria-Enzersdorf-bei-Wien, 1975.
A. Koczirz, ed., Wiener Lautenmusik im 18. Jahrhundert, Das Erbe deutscher Musik, Landschaftsdenkmale: Alpen- und Donau-Reichsgaue 1. Vienna and Leipzig:Universal-Edition, 1942.
V. Kubijovyc, ed., Ukraine, A Concise Encyclopedia. Toronto, 1971.
P. Lay, ed., Sylvius Leopold Weiss, Six sonatas for 11 course lute. London: The Lute Society, 1994.
D. Ledbetter, Harpsichord and Lute Music in 17th-century France. London: Macmillan, 1987
R. Manabe, ed., S.L. Weiss, Music for the Lute: Original Tablature and Modern Notation for Keyboa[r]d. Tokyo: Zenongakufu Shuppansha, [1976].
F. W. Marpurg, Kritische Briefe über die Tonkunst. Berlin, 1759.
R. A. Mooser, Annales de la Musique et des Musiciens en Russie au XVIIIe siècle, vol 1. Geneva, 1948.
R. A. Mooser, Annales de la Musique et des Musiciens en Russie au XVIIIe siècle, vols 2 and 3. Geneva, 1951.
E. Artemeeva & N. Grigorevich (ed.), Nauchnaia Muzikalnaia Biblioteka im. Taneeva (The Taneev Scientific Musical Library, Moscow Conservatory). Moscow, 1966.
J. Müller-Blattau, Hamann und Herder in ihren Beziehung zur Musik. Königsberg, 1931.
H. Neeman, ‘Die Lautenhandschriften von Silvius Leopold Weiss in der Bibliothek Dr. Werner Wolffheim, Berlin’ in Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft, Jg. 10 1927/8, p. 396.
H. Neeman, ‘Die Lautenistenfamilie Weiss’ in Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, Jhrg. 4, Heft 2 (1939), p. 156.
H. Neeman, ed., Lautenmusik des 17./18 Jahrhunderts, Das Erbe deutscher Musik xii. Braunschweig: H. Litolff, 1939; repr. 1961.
S. Sadie, ed., The New Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments, 3 vols. London, 1984.
A. Otto, ed., Die Sprichwörter und Sprichwörtichlichen densarten der Römer. Leipzig, 1890.
W. Reich, ed., Silvius Leopold Weiss: 34 Suiten für Laute Solo Mit quellenkundlichen Bemerkungen. Leipzig: Zentralantiquariat der DDR, 1977.
C. Rumore and I. Zanenghi, ‘Primo tentativo di catalogazione del fonde manoscritti del dono Bussandro-Chilesotti’, in Oscar Chilesotti: Diletto e Scienza agli Albori della Musicologia , pp. 1-124. (Florence: Olschki, 1987)
J.C. Rolfe, tr., Sallust. London and New York: Loeb Classical Library, 1920.
R.M. Gummere, tr., Ad Lucilium Epistolae Morales. London and New York: Loeb Classical Library, 1925.
G. Schilling, ed, Encyclopaedie der gesammten musikalischen Wissenschaften oder Universal-Lexicon der Tonkunst, 2nd. ed., art. ‘Pelagratzky’ (contributed by Baron von Winzingerode). Stuttgart, 1840.
K.-E. Schröder, ‘Zur Interpretation der Präludium und Fantasien von Silvius Leopold Weiss’, in Congress S.L. Weiss, Life and Times, Freiburg, September 1992. Report forthcoming.
H.-J. Schulze, ‘Ein unbekannter Brief von Silvius Leopold Weiss’, in Die Musikforschung xxi (1968), p. 203.
D. A. Smith, ‘The Late Sonatas of Silvius Leopold Weiss’ (unpublished Phd dissertation, Stanford University, 1977)
D.A. Smith, ‘Sylvius Leopold Weiss: Master Lutenist of the German Baroque’, in Early Music viii (January, 1980), pp. 47.
D. A. Smith, ‘Editing XVIIIth Century Lute Music: The Works of Silvius Leopold Weiss’, in Le Luth et sa Musique, ii, p. 253. (Paris: CNRS, 1984).
J. von Stählin, ‘Nachrichten von der Musik in Russland’, in J.J. Haigold, Beylagen zum Neuveränderten Russland, II. Riga and Leipzig, 1770; repr. Leipzig: Peters, 1982.
A. Suétine, ed., Silvius Leopold Weiss, Pièces Choisies [from the Moscow manuscript], Le Secret des Muses 9. Paris: Société Francaise de Luth, 1991.
H. Volkmann, ‘Sylvius Leopold Weiss, der letzte grosse Lautenist. Biographische Skizze’, in Die Musik, Jahrg. vi, Heft 7 (1906/7), p. 281.
G. Waldmann, art. ‘Russland, A. Volksmusik, IV. Melodik’, in E. Blume, ed., Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart , vol. 11. Cassel, 1963.
D. A. Smith, T. Crawford eds., Silvius Leopold Weiss, Sämtliche Werke für Laute: Bände 1-4, The London Manuscript (Frankfurt: C.F. Peters, 1983-90); Bände 5-8, The Dresden Manuscripts (Cassel: Bärenreiter, forthcoming).[3]The numbering scheme derived from this continuing edition (and thus only complete for London and Dresden) gives sonata- and movement-numbers separated by a slash. E.g. ‘Weiss SWL 21/4’ refers to … Continue reading
K. Wilkowska-Chominska, ‘Telemanns Beziehungen zur polnischen Musik’, in Beiträge zu einem neuen Telemannbild(Conference report on 1st Magdeburger Telemann-Festtage 1962,), p. 23. Magdeburg, 1963.
C. Wolff, ‘Ein Gelehren-Stammbuch aus dem 18. Jahrhundert ‘, in Die Musikforschung xxvi (1973), p. 217.
Links to external sites discussing relevant issues.
- Tim Crawford’s Home page.
- Silvius Leopold Weiss
- Deutsches Musikgeschichtliches Archiv. Brief description can be found by following this link and then searching on the resulting page for the Archiv.
- Peter the Great (1672-1725).
- St Petersburg.
- Moscow.
- Muscovy.
- Catherine the Great (1729-96).
- Adam Falckenhagen (1697-c1761).
- Circassia.
- Bandura:
- Bandura: A Ukrainian Instrument, by Stephen Schoenfeldt.
- Balalajka.
- J.S. Bach.
- J.G. Hamann, well-known as the founder of the Sturm und Drang movement.
↑1 | See the thematic catalogue of Chilesotti’s lute and guitar transcriptions published in Rumore/Zanenghi 1987. |
↑2 | Pieces in this source are identified by the sequential number of the sonata in which they appear therein, followed, in parentheses, by the page number in Reich 1979, a reduced facsimile edition of the five solo lute manuscripts. Thus ‘Dresden 4 (Reich 1979, p. 22)’ identifies the piece in question as a member of the fourth sonata in the Dresden sequence, which is reproduced on p. 22 of Reich’s edition. |
↑3 | The numbering scheme derived from this continuing edition (and thus only complete for London and Dresden) gives sonata- and movement-numbers separated by a slash. E.g. ‘Weiss SWL 21/4’ refers to the fourth movement of sonata 21. Isolated movements not found as part of a sonata are listed separately with an asterisk following the number, thus: ‘3*’. |