Guitar & lute

Published by Robert Coldwell on

“Guitar & lute” was published in Honolulu, Hawaii from 1974 until 1983.

Only 27 issues were published. It began as a quarterly publication by Galliard Press and was published by George Gilmore. In 1982 from issue 20 it was published bi-monthly.

1Interview: Alice Artzt
Interview: Morris Mizrahi
Interview: Carlos Montoya
Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar - Keola Beamer
Federico Garcia Lorca "La Guitarra" (poem)
George Gilmore - lute builder
Ukulele Factory - Sam Kamaka
The Mad Guitarist
Luis Milan
Book Reviews: John Downland by Diana Poulton; Thomas Robinson: The Schoole of Musike ed. by David Lumsden
Record Reviews
2Baroque Lute Music on the Guitar
A Galyard - Edmond Collarde
Flamenco - a form of musical violence
Hamilcar Ryan: Adventures in Paris
Interview: Turan-Mirzah Kamal
Lute Builders - A Directory
Moussorgsky: Promenade from Pictures
Nun's Trumpet
DGA31974/10-12Siegfried Behrend
Lute Tablature
Interview: Merengue
Entrevista: Merengue
The Lutist - a moral tale
Charlie Byrd
Spirit of Juan Marcos - fiction
DGA41974/03Guitar Notes - News of master classes, festivals, competitions, etc.
Interview - Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola
A Passacaille - A peviously unpublished passacaille by Robert de Visee transcribed by Brian Prud'Homme
Golden Crown Polka - Facsimile reproduction of a 19th century piece
Joauquin Rodrigo - Analysis of Fantasia para un Gentilhombre
Thomas Mace - Excerpts from "Musick's Monument"
Book Reviews - The Guitar From the Renaissance to the Present Day-by Harvey Turnbull; A Biography of Tarrega-by Emilio Pujol
New Music Reviews - Dr. Yasui reviews some contemporary guitar music
New Music Received
DGA51974/11Guitar Notes - News of master classes, competitions, etc.
Music Review
Basic Aspcts of an Artistic Guitar Performance
Fernando Sor: Study in C - An analysis of the music & technique
Carmel Guitar Festival - Films, lectures, exhibitions and competition
Francisco Tarrega: A Complete List of Works
Guitar Competitions - As seen by Rodrigo and Sainz de la Maza - General make-up of competitions: their pros and cons
Interview - Masayuki Hirayama
A Partial List of Agents and Artists
Book Review - Violin and Viola-by Yehudi Menuhin
New Music Received
Record Reviews
New Recordings Received
DGA61978/5Guitar Notes - Featuring master classes, festivals and seminars
Interview: George Sakellariou
Lute Tablature - The English Huntsuppe-Jane Pickering's Lute Book
Emilio Pujol: a complete list of works
Interview: Jorge Fresno
A New Tonal Universe for the guitar - Interchangeable Fingerboards for the guitar
Tuning the Guitar: a new approach - A piano tuner's comments on guitar tuning
Solo Guitar Recitals - George Sakellariou's observations on performance
New Music
Music Reviews
New Recordings
Record Review
DGA71978/9Guitar Notes - News items of interest to guitarists and lutenists from around the world.
Granada: Guitar Competition and Manuel de Falla Course - A report on the first Granada competition with
comments from a prestigious jury.
Interview: The Romeros - The members of this famous family of the guitar give their oiews on repertoire, technique, flamenco.
Ten Advanced Studies for Guitar - Number one of the series by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola.
Toronto: Guitar '78 - A report on what was probably the largest guitar festival of the year with concert reviews by Peter Danner.
Lute Society of America: 1978 Summer Seminar - Bruce MacEvoy reports on the West Coast branch of the LSA Seminars.
6th Annual American Lute Seminar - Donna Curry directs her yearly seminar at Rancho La Scherpa with Paul O'Dette and Toyohiko Satoh.
Lute Tablature - The Scottish Huntsuppe-from Jane Pickering's Lute Book.
A Lutenist's Basic Bibliography - Peter Danner lists the main sources of information for those wishing to familiarize themselves with the lute and its music.
Book Reviews - Guitars: From the Renaissance to Rock; The Art of Practising; Andres Segovia: An Appreciation.
New Music
Music Reviews
Record Reviews
New Recordings
DGA81979/01Guitar Notes - News items of interest to guitarists and lutenists from around the world.
Interview: David Rubio
Tatay Guitar Factory - A visit to Valencia’s largest guitar factory.
The Capotasto of the Vihuela - Guitarist Frederick Cook discusses how the vihuelists used a type of capotasto known as the "pañizuelo."
Interview: Jose Ramirez
Carmel Festival 1978 - A pictorial essay on some of the events and personalities involved in the latest Festival at Carmel.
Study No. 2 by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola - This is the second study in the series of ten.
Chart: The Madrid School of Guitar Makers
Interview: Manuel Rodriguez
Directory of Spanish Guitar Makers
Interview: Herman Hauser
Artists and Agents: 1979
Smithsonian Exhibit: The Harmonious Craft
Guild of American Luthiers - Convention and Exhibition - Tim Olsen presents some of the highlights of the Fifth Annual Convention/Exhibition by the Guild in Winfield, Kansas.
Book Reviews
Music Reviews
New Recordings
New Music
DGA91979/04Guitar Notes
Interview: Emilio Pujol - Emilio Puiol recalls some memorable moments and personalities as well as pointing out some of the pitfalls of the guitar world.
A Vihuela in Quito? - Frederick Cook presents facts related to a vihuela-like instrument found in Quito, Ecuador.
Interview: Stephen Dodgson - Terrence Farrell interviews Dodgson on how he became involved in composing for the guitar.
Stephen Dodgson: His Works for Guitar - Kevin Tolly presents an annotated list of this English composer's guitar works.
Romania by Allen Trubitt
Abel Carlevaro: Looking Ahead - Jihad Azkoul and Bartolome Diaz discuss Carlevaro's approach to the guitar.
Study No. 3 by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola - This is the third study in a series of ten.
Interview: Karl Scheit - Austrian guitarist Karl Scheit tells Terrence Farrell how he became interested in the guitar and some of the difficulties involved in transcribing early works for the instrument.
English lute Ornamentation - David Marriott discusses lute ornamentation during the Elizabethan and Jacobean Periods. This is the first part of a two-part article.
Cqncert Reviews
Music Reviews
New Music
New Recordings
DGA101979/07Guitar Notes
Interview: Vicente Gomez - Guitar pioneer talks about his early career as a recording artist, radio performer and film score writer.
Vicente Gomez: His Works for Guitar
20th Century Guitar - John Schneider discusses guitar works by the nonspecialist composers of this century. The sequel to this article will be on the specialist composers.
Study No. 4 by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola - This is the fourth study in a series of ten.
The Guitar in Vienna - John Schubert discusses studying guiuir along with the cultural and concert activities in the Austrian capital.
English Lute Ornamentation - David Marriott's second sequel of a two-part article discusses lute ornamentatio,i during the Jacobean period.
Three Little Pieces for Solo Guitar by Byron Yasui
Index of Guitar & Lute Back Issues
Guitar & Lute Curriculum
Book Reviews
Concert Review
On Stage - Introducing a new column on up-and-coming concerts and recitals.
Concert Programs & News - A brief sampling of concert programs from around the world as well as news on new works and premiere performances.
Music Reviews
New Music
Record Reviews
New Records
DGA111979/10Guitar Notes
Interview: Paul O'Dette
Right Hand: Alternative Approaches
Interview: Ruggero Chiesa - Editor of Italian guitar review talks about early music, transcriptions, composing and repertoire.
The Baroque Guitar: The Forgotten Instrument
El Laud Gentil (fiction)
What Every Great Guitarist Knows About Practicing
Study No. 5 by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola - This is the fifth study in a series of ten.
Lute Society of America Summer Seminar
John Duarte: Complete List of Works
Guild of American Luthiers Convention
Guitar Foundation of America Seminar
Lute Building Seminar
Pop Music for Classic Guitar - In this new column, guitarists Jeff Linsky will outline the steps for arranging popular music for the classic guitar.
On Stage
Guitar and Lute Curricula
Concert Programs & News
Music Reviews
New Music
New Recordings
Record Reviews
DGA121980/01Guitar Notes
Interview: Antonio Lauro
Antonio Lauro: His Works for Guitar
An Unknown Vihuela Manuscript - Frederick Cook describes a previously overlooked vihuela manuscript from the Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid which brings forth three more vihuelists.
1979 AST A Guitar Symposium
Study No. 6 by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola
20th Century Guitar: The Second Golden Age - In the final sequel to this article, John Schneider discusses the works of this century's guitar-specialist composers . . . Barrios, Ponce, Villa-Lobos and others.
Europe Revisted - G&L publisher, George Gilmore, presents a sampling of guitar activities in Europe.
The Secret of Effortless Shifting
1980 Directory of Artists & Agents
Book Reviews
Pop Music for Classic Guitar - In this new column on arranging popular music for the classic guitar, Jeff Linsky discusses chord construct:ion.
Guitar & Lute Curricula
Concert Programs & News
Concert Review
On Stage
Music Reviews
New Recordings
Record Reviews
Guitar & Lute's Dozen Best Recordings for 1979 - Reviewer George Warren presents a summary of the twelve best guitar and lute recordings of the past year.
DGA131980/04Guitar Notes
Interview: Regino Sainz de la Maza
Regino Sainz de la Maza: His Works for Guitar
The Guitar and Early Music - John Duarte examines the guitar repertoire-early music on the guitar or original instmments: First of five parts.
The 8-String Guitar - David Harris argues the case for the 8-string guitar.
Study No. 7 by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola
1980 Calendar of Summer Events - A graphical summary of guitar and lute events during the summer of 1980.
The Ancient Long-Necked lute - David Marriott constructs a replica of a lute of the type played during the first two milleniums B.C.
Northwest School of Instrument Design - A look at this Seattle-based luthier's school with another approach to the ancient craft of musical instrument making.
Pop Music for Classic Guitar - In this issue, Jeff Linsky discusses arranging for solo guitar from a lead sheet.
Guitar and Lute Curricula
On Stage
Concert Programs & News
Music Reviews
New Music
New Recordings
Record Reviews
DGA141980/07Guitar Notes
Vadah Olcott Bickford Is Remembered - Guitar pioneer dies at 94.
Interview: Michael Lorimer
The Guitar and Early Music - In Part II of this article, John Duarte discusses some of the problems guitarists find in taking up the lute.
The Guitar In Poland - Josef Powrozniak presents a concise history of the guitar in Poland.
Ornamentation In An Alman by Robert Johnson - David Marriott offers various possibilities for interpreting English lute ornaments.
Aim Directed Movement - Neil Anderson presents a technique for more accurate left-hand changes.
Guitar Foundation of America Seminar
Study No. 8 by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola
Guitar Ensemble Listing
Concert Review
View From the Bridge
Guitar and Lute Curricula
Concert Programs & News
On Stage
Music Reviews
New Music
New Recordings
Record Reviews
DGA151980/10Guitar Notes - Interview: Reginald Smith Brindle by Kevin Tolly
List of Works: Reginald Smith Brindle
Study No. 9 by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola
The Guitar in the Orient - Terrence Farrell tells about his experiences in Hong Kong and Taipei.
The Guitar and Early Music - Part 3 of this series by John Duarte in which he discusses guitars with more than 6 strings.
American Lute Seminars: 1980 - A report by Alexei Nicolai.
Cannington International Summer School - John Duarte describes this year's festivities.
Observations on Besard’s "Necessarie Observations" - Don Rowe talks about interpretation of music as perceived by Besard in Robert Dowland's "Varietie of Lute Lessons."
Luthier’s Workshop - The first in a new series by luthiers focusing on the construction and design aspects of guitars and lutes. In this issue, Thomas Knatt compares violin and guitar tone.
Villa-Lobos’ Elusive 6th Prelude by John Schaffer.
Concert Review - Antonio Lauro at Wigmore Hall
Concert Programs and News
Guitar & Lute Curricula - In this issue: Kent State University, Colorado College, Hartt College of Music, Concordia University, Southwest Missouri State University.
View From the Bridge - Our mystery author explains how a good tremolo is developed.
Between the Lines - Peter Danner's new approach to music reviewing.
Music Reviews
New Music
Recordings in Brief
by George Warren.
Book Review - The Art of Classical Guitar Playing by Charles Duncan
DGA161981/01Guitar Notes
Interview: Manuel Barrueco
Study No. 10 - The last of this series by Ricardo Fernandez Iznaola.
The Guitar and Early Music - In part 4 of this series, John Duarte discusses fundamental performance practices in early music.
Guitar Quest '80 - A photo essay and programs from this recent San Francisco area recital series.
The Solo Concert Career - Byron Paul Tomingas outlines some of the challenges and costs of starting a concert career.
1981 Directory of Artists and Agents
Guild of American Luthiers Convention
Guitar & Lute Curricula
New Recordings
The Microtonal Guitar - In the first of a 5-part series, John Schneider discusses the fundamentals of tuning and temperaments.
Luthier’s Workshop - Thomas Knatt describes tests for builders in examining guitar tops and backs.
Thoughts on Music - Our newest column invites readers to send in their favorite quotations on all aspects of music.
Concert Programs and News
On Stage
Between the Lines - Peter Danner reviews a varied selection of new editions.
New Music
Record Reviews
DGA171981/04Guitar Notes
Interview: Anthony Rooley - by Michael Andriaccio
Rhythmic Inequality in French Baroque Music - A discussion of performance practices of the period. by David Strauss-Harris.
Interview: Sharon Isbin - by Beverly Maher
Bream in San Francisco - His second master class in the U.S. by Eric Van Voorheis
The Baroque Lute on Record - A general survey by Peter Danner
1981 Summer Calendar of Events
John Dowland's "What If A Day" - Transcription and commentary by David Marriott
The Microtonal Guitar - Conclusion of Part I of this series by John Schneider
View From the Bridge
Luthier’s Workshop - Thomas Knatt continues soundboard evaluation
Proposal - The guitar as an orchestral instrument?
Between the Lines
Guitar & Lute Curricula - Universities of California, Berkeley, and Kentucky
On Stage
Concert Programs
Music Reviews
New Music
Dozen Best Recordings of 1980
Recordings in Brief
DGA181981/07Guitar Notes
Aguado's New Guitar Method - by Brian Jeffery
Interview: Eliot Fisk - by Erica Kalick.
The Lute: An Historical Perspective - by Lawrence D. Brown
Visualization: An Aid to Memorization - Richard Provost describes his method for memorizing guitar music.
The Guitar and Early Music: Part V - The final installment in this series by John Duarte deals with The Text.
Guitar Ensemble Listing - A yearly feature. Compiled by the staff of G&L.
"Lagu Torian" by Kip Irvine - A new piece based on Indonesian themes.
"Almande Loraine" (Anon.) - Transcription and commentary by David Marriott.
Ornamenting Vihuela Music - by Philip Pivovar
The New York Scene - A new column by Erica Kalick.
Between the Lines - by Peter Danner.
Concert Programs & News
New Music
Recordings in Brief - by George Warren.
DGA191981/10Guitar Notes
Interview: Michael Newman - by Chris Amelotte
Fingering of Guitar Music - John Duarte begins a new series.
Reisbach Festival - Terrence Farrell reports on this festival at the Hauser’s in Germany.
Cannington Festival - by John Duarte
Trinity Festival - Barbara Morehouse tells about this festival which takes place in Berkeley, California.
Esztergom Festival - A festival in Hungary described by Matanya Ophee
Toronto '81 - by Philip Pivovar
The Classical Guitar: A Brief History - by Henry Wiktorowicz
Luthier’s Workshop - Thomas Knatt talks about action and neck shapes.
The Microtonal Guitar Part II - John Schneider discusses 19th-century attempts at improving guitar intonation.
Beginner’s Pluck - A first attempt at guitar making by Marc Blake.
The "Batteries" on the Baroque Guitar - Frederick Cook explains this technique which was first described by Mersenne.
On Stage
New Music
Between the Lines - by Peter Danner
Recordings in Brief - by George Warren
DGA201982/01Guitar Notes
Napoleon Coste: Renewed Acquaintance - by Brian Jeffery
Interview: Leo Brouwer - by Dean Suzuki & Martin Brinkerhoff
Works of Leo Brouwer - A complete list by Dean Suzuki
Brouwer: Selected Reviews - by Dean Suzuki
The Microtonal Guitar - Part III - John Schneider continues his series with an article on the ¼-tone guitars of Carrillo and Haba
Fingering of Guitar Music - Part II - The qualitative aspect by John Duarte
Interview: Juan Mercadal - by Kip Irvine
1982 Artists & Agents - A yearly feature of G&L
Giulio Regondi: 1822-1872 - Simon Wynberg describes the life and career of this little-known 19th-century genius
Book Review - The Early Guitar by James Tyler, reviewed by Arthur J. Ness
On Stage
Etude No. 1 and Gioioso - Two pieces by Kip Irvine
Between the Lines - by Peter Danner
Music Reviews - by Reinhard Froese
New Music
Recordings in Brief - by George Warren
DGA211982/03Guitar Notes
Interview: Jeffrey Van - by Henry Adams
Right Hand Techniques in Elizabethan Lute Music - by John O. Robison
Ziryab: Founder of the Spanish Lute School - by Frederick Cook
12 Best Recordings of 1981 - by George Warren
Interview: Jean-Pierre Jumez - by Phillippe Guilaume
J. Thomas Davis: Luthier - by David Julien
Fingering of Guitar Music - Part III - John Duarte concludes the series
The Microtonal Guitar - Part IV - John Schneider discusses the guitars and music of Harry Partch
Into the Breach with Thumb-Under - Alan Rinehart expresses his views on this controversial lute technique
Music: Etude No. 2 - by Kip Irvine
Concert Programs & News
On Stage
New Music
Between the Lines - Music Reviews by Peter Danner
Recordings in Brief - by George Warren
DGA221982/05Guitar Notes
Two Cases of Unsuitable Treatment - by John Duarte
Valentin Bakfark’s Intabulation Technique - by Daniel Benko
Calendar of Events for 1982
Right Hand Techniques in Elizabethan Lute Music - Part II - Conclusion of this series by John O. Robison
Interview: Castellani-Andriaccio Duo - by Kenneth Kwan
1982 Artists & Agents - A yearly feature of G&L
Dilemma of the Half-Hour Lesson - by James Bastien
Music: Courante & Poem - by Kip Irvine
On Stage
Between the Lines - Music Reviews by Peter Danner
New Music
Recordings in Brief - by George Warren
DGA231982/07Guitar Notes
Interview: John Gilbert - by Henry Adams
Video Technology as an Aid in Teaching - by Jeffrey Goodman
Fingering and Ornamentation - Conclusion to a Study of Lute Technique by Alan Rinehart
Two Old Craftsmen - by Carmen Mirana
The GFA 1982 Seminar, Denver - by Michael Fogler
The Guitar Tomorrow - Part I - by Ruggero Chiesa
Nontonal Resources for the Guitarist, Improviser, Composer - Part I - by Timothy Brady
On Stage
Programs and Concert News
Between the Lines - Music Reviews by Peter Danner
New Music
Recordings in Brief - by George Warren
G&L Doublecross - by Marie Riley
DGA241982/09Guitar Notes
Interview: Oscar Ghiglia - by Terrence Farrell
Notes on Niccolò Paganini and His Guitar Works - by David Strauss-Harris
The Recorded Paganini - by George Warren
Nontonal Resources for the Guitarist, Improviser, Composer - Part II - by Timothy Brady
The Guitar Tomorrow - Part II - by Ruggero Chiesa
Interview: Alice Artzt - by John Schneider
Growth of the Guitar in Canada - by Michael Laucke
The Guitar in Art Song - by Don McKenzie
New Music
On Stage
Between the Lines - Music Reviews by Peter Danner
G&L Doublecross - by Marie Riley
DGA251982/11Guitar Notes
Cannington 1982 - by John Duarte
The Microtonal Guitar - Part V - Conclusion of the series by John Schneider
The Recorded Paganini - Part II - by George Warren
Twentieth Annual Paris International Competition - by James Wilson
Sor’s Studies for Guitar - by David Harris
Flamenco - The Early Years - Beginning a new series by Paco Sevilla
The Guitarist’s Guide - by Jeffrey Goodman
Acoustic Holography Listens to the Guitar - Penn State Physicists
Growth of the Guitar in Canada - by Michael Laucke
Luthier’s Workshop: Larry Brown - by Jerry Speier
Music Reviews
Book Reviews - Peter Danner reviews Summerfield: The Classical Guitar and Powrozniak: Gitarren-Lexikon.
On Stage
Between the Lines - Music reviews by Peter Danner
New Music
DGA261983/01Guitar Notes
Latin American Guitar - by Richard Stover - Part I of a New Series
Interview: Frederic Hand - by Andrew Schulman
Profile: Oswald Rantucci - by Erica Kalick
The Vocal Romances of Milan’s El Maestro - by Peter Kun Frary
Through the Back Door - by Anthony Glise - Observations on Classical Guitar Teaching Problems
Concert Programs
Segovia: Adversity No Obstacle - by Erica Kalick
Article Index to Guitar & Lute Issues 10-24
The Six-Four Chord in French 16th Century Guitar Music - by John A. Cuthbert
Between the Lines - Music Reviews by Peter Danner
Music Reviews
Recordings in Brief - by George Warren
G&L Doublecross - by Marie Riley
DGA271983/03Guitar Notes
Interview: Ricardo Iznaola - by Henry Adams
The Guitar Duos of Fernando Sor - by Peter Kun Frary
New Light on the So-Called "Modern" Guitar Notation - by Matanya Ophee
1983 Summer Calendar of Events
Flamenco - The Early Years - by Paco Sevilla - Part II of the Series
Latin American Guitar - by Richard Stover - Part II of this Series
New Music
Between the Lines - Music Reviews by Peter Danner
Categories: Journals


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