Creative Guitar International
Between 1973 and 1979 Ruth and Jerry Mock self published a magazine focused on the classic guitar called Creative Guitar International (CGI).
(more…)Soundboard Scholar
Soundboard Scholar is the peer-reviewed journal of the Guitar Foundation of America. Its purpose is to publish guitar research of the highest caliber. Soundboard Scholar provides a forum for all fields of guitar scholarship, including historical research, historiography, music analysis, performance studies, and pedagogy. Especially welcome are articles that connect the guitar world with current trends in mainstream musical scholarship or that connect non-specialists to the knowledge and insights that scholarly inquiry has to offer.
(more…)Guitarra Magazine
Guitarra magazine was published in Chicago by Antigua Casa Sherry-Brener Inc. from 1963 through 1987. It appears not to have been published from 1969 to 1978.
(more…)The Crescendo
The Crescendo was published from 1908 through 1934 in Boston.
(more…)The Cadenza
The Cadenza was published from 1894 through 1924 starting in Kansas City then was moved to New York in 1900. It was purchased by Walter Jacobs in 1908.
(more…)The Serenader
The Serenader was published by Charles Templeman in Sioux City, Iowa from 1932 through 1935.
(more…)Chicago Guitar
“Chicago Guitar” was published by the Chicago Guitar Society in the early to mid-1960s.